TAP FAQ – Where’s My Refund?

What is the quickest way to receive my refund?

  • File electronically
  • Use direct deposit for your refund

What type of refunds can I view on TAP?

  • Circuit Breaker Renter Refund
  • Individual Income Tax Refund

Can I check my refund status online?

Yes, visit Taxpayer Access Point (TAP), where you can check the status of your Individual Income Tax refund or your Circuit Breaker Renter refund.

  • Individual Income Tax Refund
    • The Tax Commission cannot issue a refund prior to March 1 each year unless we have received both your return and your employer’s required return.
    • Due to our efforts to protect your identity, please allow 120 days from the date you filed your return or 120 days from March 1, whichever is later, to process your return and refund request.
    • You can only get information on the Individual Income Tax Return for the current filing year. If you create a TAP profile and add access to your individual income tax account, you may check the status of your refunds for the current and previous two tax years.
    • Your refund may be applied to any outstanding federal or state debt owed.
  • Circuit Breaker Renter Refund
    • If you filed electronically, allow 60 days to process your return and refund request.
    • If you filed on paper, allow 90 days to process your return and refund request.
    • You can only get information on the most recent application filed.

Can I view the status of a refund issued last year?

Yes, if you create a TAP profile and add access to your individual income tax account, you can check the status of the current and two previous tax-year refunds.

What refund information is required?

  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Refund amount or Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI) from line 4 of your current year income tax return.

I received a message that my refund information could not be found at this time. What should I do?

  • Wait 30 days if filed electronically
  • Wait 90 days if filed by paper return
  • Follow instructions on the message screen
  • Call 800-662-4335 or 801-297-2200 for questions after the waiting period

Why is my refund amount different from what I was expecting?

The most common reasons are:

  • Your return may have had an error
  • Your refund may have been used to pay another liability
  • Your refund has been intercepted by another agency

My refund was issued over 2 weeks ago and I have not received it. What should I do?

  • Verify refund mailing address on your return was correct
  • Verify direct deposit information was correct
  • Wait 30 days from the refund issue date then contact the Utah Department of Finance at 801-957-7760. You will need to provide information from the Check your refund status
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