Motor Vehicle Forms and Pubs

NumberOrdering NumberOnlineNameRevised_RevisedTax TypeItem TypeStatusTax YearFile Period End_File Period EndDraft StateFinal ETA_Final ETAEffective Date_Effective Date
Pub 9Pub 09How to Register and Title Your Vehicle in Utah2025-01-01Jan 1, 2025DMV and MVEDPubCurrent
Pub 23Pub 23Vehicle Property Assessment Fees2023-04-30Apr 30, 2023DMV and MVEDPubCurrent
TC-72DTC-0072DReturn of Expired/Unused Motor Vehicle Inventory2014-02-26Feb 26, 2014DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-72GTC-0072GOTS Return of Expired/Unused Motor Vehicle Inventory2013-12-31Dec 31, 2013DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-120TC-0120Consignment Charges Agreement For Motor Vehicle Sales2002-03-01Mar 1, 2002DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-123TC-0123Application For Utah Duplicate Title2024-09-19Sep 19, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-138TC-0138Movable Structure Tax Clearance/Moving Permit2005-06-01Jun 1, 2005DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-142TC-0142Application for Special Plates and Decals (For use by Motor Vehicle dealers only)2020-10-21Oct 21, 2020DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-162TC-0162Application For Utah Motor Vehicle Identification Number. Use this form if you build kit cars, or reconstruct cars with major parts from other vehicles2022-12-08Dec 8, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-203TC-0203New Utah Special Group Plate Application2024-11-01Nov 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent2020-01-01Jan 1, 2020
TC-204TC-0204Sponsoring Organization's Special Group Plate Application2023-12-23Dec 23, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent2020-01-01Jan 1, 2020
TC-300TC-0300Requirements for Obtaining a Motor Vehicle Dealer License in Utah2024-09-04Sep 4, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-301TC-0301Bonded Motor Vehicle Business Application2024-12-01Dec 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-303TC-0303Motor Vehicle Salesperson Application2024-05-01May 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-305TC-0305Motor Vehicle Salvage Buyer Application2024-05-01May 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-318TC-0318Dealer Transmittal2025-03-01Mar 1, 2025DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-353TC-0353Notice to Buyer of Vehicle Initially Delivered for Sale in a Country Other Than the United States2016-08-30Aug 30, 2016DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-450TC-0450Bond of Motor Vehicle Dealer, Special Equipment Dealer, Crusher, or Body Shop2013-10-15Oct 15, 2013DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-451TC-0451Original Complaint Report2025-03-01Mar 1, 2025DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-452TC-0452Temporary Permit Record2006-10-01Oct 1, 2006DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-454TC-0454Impound Yard Complaint Form2023-07-01Jul 1, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-465TC-0465Waiver (Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division)2024-10-08Oct 8, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-466TC-0466Transaction Disclosure Form2023-04-11Apr 11, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-502TC-0502Application to Cancel Registration2023-04-05Apr 5, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-505TC-0505Automatic Registration Renewal Application2021-12-27Dec 27, 2021DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-569ATC-0569AOwnership Statement2022-02-08Feb 8, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-569BTC-0569BRepossession Statement2012-12-19Dec 19, 2012DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-569CTC-0569CSurvivorship Affidavit2013-01-22Jan 22, 2013DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-569DTC-0569DStatement of Facts2020-11-24Nov 24, 2020DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-572TC-0572Business Application for Electronic Payments2016-05-04May 4, 2016DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-585TC-0585Application for Loaded Demonstration Permit2013-10-15Oct 15, 2013DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-586TC-0586Collector License Plate Order2024-07-08Jul 8, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-656TC-0656Vehicle Application For Utah Title2024-11-01Nov 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-656RTC-0656RRental Agency Application for Utah Title2024-08-13Aug 13, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-656VTC-0656VVessel Application For Utah Title2024-10-09Oct 9, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-661TC-0661Certificate Of Inspection2022-12-08Dec 8, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-706TC-0706Statement of Compliance, Motor Vehicles Not Manufactured For Sale in the United States2024-10-21Oct 21, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-745TC-0745Vintage Vehicle Insurance Affidavit2024-11-26Nov 26, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-750TC-0750OnlineApplication for Motor Vehicle 96 Hour Permits2024-10-21Oct 21, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-756TC-0756Application for Motor Vehicle Temporary Permits2024-05-01May 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-758TC-0758Application for Updated or Additional Motor Vehicle Business License2024-10-21Oct 21, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-760TC-0760Application for Representative License / New Application2024-10-21Oct 21, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-802NTC-0802NNotice Of Requirement To Obtain Salvage or Non-repairable Title2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-810MCTC-0810MCExemption of Utah Safety and Emission Requirements for Apportioned Vehicles Not In Utah2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-814TC-0814Notice of Salvage Vehicle or Branded Title2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-820TC-0820Exemption Affidavit for Utah Emission Testing2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-824TC-0824Insufficient Evidence of Ownership Bond (Surety Bond)2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-824MCTC-0824MCVehicle Multi-year Registration Surety Bond2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-829TC-0829Application to Rescind Dismantling Permit2023-09-29Sep 29, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-836TC-0836Certification of Fund Donation – Verification to Purchase or Renew Collegiate License Plates2024-01-29Jan 29, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-839RTC-0839RCertificate of Sale (Repairman’s Lien)2024-03-25Mar 25, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-839STC-0839SCertificate of Sale (Self-Storage Lien)2024-03-11Mar 11, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-840TC-0840Relinquished Personalized Plates and Reassignment2024-11-26Nov 26, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-841TC-0841Request for Certificate of Sale2022-11-09Nov 9, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-842TC-0842Disability Certification2025-01-01Jan 1, 2025DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-843TC-0843Bill of Sale2024-03-04Mar 4, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-844TC-0844Request for Unmarked Exempt License Plates2023-04-05Apr 5, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-845TC-0845Special Truck Equipment (Half Registration Fees)2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-852TC-0852IRP Original (Schedule A) and Supplemental (Schedule C) Application2020-12-02Dec 2, 2020DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-853ATC-0853AOriginal and Supplement Application - Utah A and C2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-853BTC-0853BOriginal and Supplement Rental Application2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-855TC-0855Impound Yard Application and Inspection2023-04-05Apr 5, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-861TC-0861Request for Motor Vehicle Enforcement Documents2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-890TC-0890Release of Protected Motor Vehicle Information2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-891TC-0891Odometer Disclosure Statement2023-11-01Nov 1, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-893TC-0893Owner’s Odometer Declaration2024-07-01Jul 1, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-893DTC-0893DOwner’s Odometer Declaration – Dealer Only2024-06-19Jun 19, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-894TC-0894Statement of Invisible Condition2022-08-31Aug 31, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-895TC-0895Apply onlineApplication to Request a Motor Vehicle Account2023-10-17Oct 17, 2023DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-897TC-0897Verification of Vessel Length2012-12-01Dec 1, 2012DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-899BTC-0899BOriginal Mileage - Schedule B2022-03-17Mar 17, 2022DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-928TC-0928eFileMonthly Report of Sale by a Utah Licensed and Bonded Dealer2024-10-22Oct 22, 2024DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
TC-928 TemplateTC-0928 TemplateeFileMonthly Report of Sale by a Utah Licensed and Bonded Dealer. This template is for use in online MVP system only.2016-09-08Sep 8, 2016DMV and MVEDFormCurrent
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Please note . . .

TAP Scheduled Upgrade

Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) will be upgraded Friday, December 11 at 5:00pm through Monday, December 14 at 7:00am. TAP will be unavailable during this time.

Please note . . .

TC-69 Form Usually Requires Additional Schedules

When submitting a TC-69 paper form, you MUST also include the appropriate schedule(s). If you do not include the correct schedule(s), your business registration will be delayed.

Note: To save time and ensure all needed schedules are included, you can apply for a tax account online.

Effective: June 1, 2024 – To improve efficiency, we have moved all Utah State Business and Tax Registrations (TC-69 and related schedules) online.

Please note . . .

Sales tax filing is changing

All Utah sales and use tax returns and other sales-related tax returns must be filed electronically, beginning with returns due Nov. 2, 2020. File electronically using Taxpayer Access Point at

This includes:

  • Third quarter, July-Sept 2020 (quarterly filers)
  • September 2020 (monthly filers)
  • Jan – Dec 2020 (annual filers)
  • All related schedules

You can continue to the PDF form below, or go to TAP to register and begin filing electronically now—no need to wait until the deadline!