Rev. 10/24

Utah State Tax Commission Official Seal

Cannabinoid Products Tax

Utah State Tax Commission

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134




General Information

The Tax Commission administers the cannabinoid product tax laws in Utah. Cannabinoid product retailers must be licensed by the Tax Commission. Cannabinoid products must be registered with the Utah Department of Agriculture.

This publication is provided for general guidance. It does not contain all relevant tax laws. See Utah Code Tile 59, Chapter 31, Cannabinoid Licensing and Tax Act.

Cannabinoid Product Definition

A “cannabinoid product” is a product that:

  1. contains or claims to contain a naturally-occurring cannabinoid(s);
  2. contains less than a combined 0.3 percent THC and THC analog concentration;
  3. contains an amount of combined THC and THC analog that is no more than:
    • 10 percent of the total cannabinoid content,

    • 5 milligrams per serving, and

    • 150 milligrams per package; and

  4. has a serving size that is a whole number (not a fraction), unless the product is an oil.

See Utah Code §4-41-102 for a full definition and definitions of other terms related to this tax.

Cannabinoid Product Identification

Cannabinoids subject to tax include THC, Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 THC, THCA, THCV, CBD, CBL, CBC, CBN, CBDV, CBE, CBG, CBGV and CBV. Taxable products may also list  MCT oil, hemp extract or CBD oil, or include the phrase “hemp infused.”

What is Legal to Sell

Cannabinoid products may only be sold in Utah if approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

A cannabinoid product must also be registered with the Utah Department of Agriculture. See the list of registered products at

You may not sell or give a cannabinoid product that contains THC (or a THC analog) to an individual who is less than 21 years old.  See Utah Code §4-41-105.

License and Bond


You must be licensed by the Tax Commission to sell, offer to sell, or distribute cannabinoid products to a Utah consumer. See Utah Code §59-31-201.

There is no fee for a Cannabinoid Product License, but you must post a bond (see Bond, below). The license is valid for three years and may be renewed before it expires. If your license expires, you must re-apply.

Cannabinoid Product Licenses are owner- and location-specific and are not transferable.

Register for an account and apply for a Cannabinoid Products License at To set up and create your TAP profile for online access, you will need your:

  1. Federal employer identification number or Social Security number,
  2. Utah 14-digit account number, and
  3. PIN.


We will not issue a license until you have posted a cash or surety bond equal to at least your tax liability for a three-month reporting period. The minimum bond amount is $500.00.

  • If submitting a surety bond, deliver the original to the Tax Commission, Miscellaneous Tax Division.
  • If submitting a cash bond, make payment at and choose payment type “CBD cash bond”

We may increase your required bond value if it does not meet the bond requirements.

Cannabinoid Products Tax

The tax on cannabinoid products is 10 percent of retail price.

  • A licensed seller must collect, report and pay the tax on all consumer sales.
  • A consumer who purchases an untaxed cannabinoid product(s) must pay use tax.

Report, File and Pay


You must file reports and returns, renew licenses, and make payments electronically at


File form TC-551CU (Cannabinoid Products Consumer Use Tax) and pay the tax due. See


The Tax Commission conducts inspections/audits to ensure cannabinoid product tax compliance.

  • Keep all records and invoices for three years.
  • Renew your Cannabinoid Products License prior to expiration.


TC-551Cannabinoid Products Tax Return ​​(electronic only)

TC-551R Cannabinoid Products Licensing Renewal ​​(electronic only)

TC-551CUCannabinoid Products Consumer Use Tax

TC-763CBCannabinoid Products Tax Surety Bond


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Please note . . .

TAP Scheduled Upgrade

Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) will be upgraded Friday, December 11 at 5:00pm through Monday, December 14 at 7:00am. TAP will be unavailable during this time.

Please note . . .

TC-69 Form Usually Requires Additional Schedules

When submitting a TC-69 paper form, you MUST also include the appropriate schedule(s). If you do not include the correct schedule(s), your business registration will be delayed.

Note: To save time and ensure all needed schedules are included, you can apply for a tax account online.

Effective: June 1, 2024 – To improve efficiency, we have moved all Utah State Business and Tax Registrations (TC-69 and related schedules) online.

Please note . . .

Sales tax filing is changing

All Utah sales and use tax returns and other sales-related tax returns must be filed electronically, beginning with returns due Nov. 2, 2020. File electronically using Taxpayer Access Point at

This includes:

  • Third quarter, July-Sept 2020 (quarterly filers)
  • September 2020 (monthly filers)
  • Jan – Dec 2020 (annual filers)
  • All related schedules

You can continue to the PDF form below, or go to TAP to register and begin filing electronically now—no need to wait until the deadline!