This page points to data files that are meant to be downloaded and used in spreadsheets or other software. They can be read, but will not be pretty. They are comma- and quotation mark- delimited files. Means are not means relative to all returns, but only with respect to returns that have a non-zero value. To calculate the normal mean, just divide the total amounts by the total number of returns.
- 1990 – 2005
- Recent
- City Data
Year,City Name, returns, total AGI, total exemptions, total federal tax, mean AGI, mean exemptions, mean federal taxes. - ZIP Code Data
Year, ZIP code, returns, total AGI, total exemptions, total federal tax, mean AGI, mean exemptions, mean federal taxes. - County Data
Year, County, returns, total AGI, total exemptions, total federal tax, total wages, total interest, total itemized deductions, mean AGI, mean exemptions, mean federal tax, mean wages, mean interest, mean itemized deductions, number AGI, number exemptions, number federal tax, number wages, number interest, number itemized deductions. - State Data
Year, County, returns, total AGI, total exemptions, total federal tax, total wages, total interest, total itemized deductions, mean AGI, mean exemptions, mean federal tax, mean wages, mean interest, mean itemized deductions, number AGI, number exemptions, number federal tax, number wages, number interest, number itemized deductions.
For more recent data, see this page.