Statistics of Updated Returns
Report Date 31-Dec-96 4:00 PM
Numbers shown are Year To Date
Number of Returns Updated to Master File (Completely Processed)
Returns Number Tax Avg. Tax Average
Updated Updated to Assessed AGI Assessed AGI
Short - TC-40s 249,329 $96,276,857 $3,252,315,230 $386 $13,044
Long - TC-40 485,946 $888,465,048 $21,693,182,512 $1,828 $44,641
Nonres - TC40NR 68,429 $46,635,920 $6,826,377,117 $682 $99,759
Total 803,704 $1,031,377,825 $31,771,874,859 $1,283 $39,532
Activity of Miscellaneous Funds Number of Amount Average % of all Retrurns
Energy Systems 85 $18,383.00 $216.27 0.01%
Qualified Sheltered Workshop 103 $13,074.00 $126.93 0.01%
Non-game Wildlife 4,817 $45,749.72 $9.50 0.60%
Children's Organ Transplant 5,011 $50,565.50 $10.09 0.62%
Contribution to Assist Homeless 7,147 $111,325.38 $15.58 0.89%
Gasoline Tax 2,369 $595,718.57 $251.46 0.29%
Benificiary Trust 2 $639.00 $319.50 0.00%
Entrprise Zone 17 $73,468.00 $4,321.65 0.00%
Clean Fuel Alternative Credit 470 $28,585.00 $60.82 0.06%
Clean Fuel Vehicle Credit 39 $8,880.76 $227.71 0.00%
Historical Credit 59 $187,618.00 $3,179.97 0.01%
Mineral Royalty Withholding Credit 2,961 $1,384,365.97 $467.53 0.37%
Use Tax 5,377 $211,691.50 $39.37 0.67%
Education Tax 143 $3,986.82 $27.88 0.02%
Low Income Housing 12 $1,401.00 $116.75 0.00%
Hiring Disabled 13 $3,025.00 $232.69 0.00%
Medical Savings Account 90 $42,303.00 $470.03 0.01%
School District Contributions 2,258 $21,605.00 $9.57 0.28%
Higher Education/Library 2,442 $24,262.00 $9.94 0.30%
Total 28,410.00 $2,749,440.50 $96.78 3.53%
Checkoff to Political Party County State Total % of all Returns
Amounts Amounts Amounts
Democratic $11,791.00 $11,791.00 $23,582.00 2.93%
Independent Patriot $1,352.50 $1,352.50 $2,705.00 0.34%
Libertarian $600.50 $600.50 $1,201.00 0.15%
Republican $18,736.00 $18,736.00 $37,472.00 4.66%
Total $32,480.00 $32,480.00 $64,960.00 8.08%
NOTE 1: County party and state party equally split checkoff amounts.
NOTE 2: Dollar contributions do not reflect number of individual returns showing checkoff
since one, two, or none of the boxes may be checked on return showing filing status of married
filing joint.
GOTCHA (Tax Commission) Number of Amount Average % of all Returns
Number and amount 14,758 $3,557,366.38 $241.05 1.84%

Last Update: 6/11/97

