This publication is a rather detailed description of data
from 1999 Utah state income tax returns. An income tax file is always dynamic,
with late returns, amended returns, and audits changing the data. This means
that in small ways the results depend on when the data to be analyzed is
captured. This report analyzes 1999 return data as of March 15 of 2001. There
is no overall massage, but a resource for answering many varied questions.
State income tax returns include both full-year residents and
non-residents, with the latter including those who moved in or out during the
year, as well as those who never lived here but still have income from the
state. We have presented broad summary data for non-residents, but for the most
part have not presented detailed data, since its interpretation is difficult or
meaningless, especially for statistical distributions.
This year’s report is mainly “statistical”. The general strategy has
been to report statistical points for the most important lines on the state
form, with different tables according to the residency and filing status
(Married, Single, etc), of the taxpayer. When not using an income breakdown, we
have reported percentage deciles, as well as the mean, the median, and the mean
for those claiming a non-zero amount. Since the number of returns is the same
for each line, we have reported under the non-zero heading the number of
returns not reporting zero for a given line. Table 5, rather than using an
arbitrary income division which gets outdated over many years, uses income
deciles relevant to the group being examined. ALower income” and Aupper income”
show the income range.
A brief review of statistical terms for those not using them every day
The mean is the total dollar amount divided by the number of returns.
The non-zero mean is the mean for values other than zero.
The median is the middle value.
A decile divides the values into tenths. For example the bottom decile reports
the value dividing the bottom 10 percent from the top 90 percent, or the sixth
decile divides the bottom 60 percent from the top 40 percent.
We think some of these issues will become clearer as we examine specific
Summary table is an excerpt from table 2, and it shows,
for all taxpayers, the total number using the line, the total amount claimed,
and the average for all taxpayers and the average for those using the line.
The traditional table (page 4) reports for all full-year
residents using traditional but arbitrary income brackets. It reports the
number of returns, the amount of adjusted gross income, state income taxes, an
effective tax rate and number of exemptions. The table labeled “calendar year”
is for the 1999 returns only. We produce a similar table near the end of each
year that includes the returns filed in that year for the previous two years,
hoping that the late returns filed for the tax year two years ago represent the
returns not yet filed for the one year ago return. For example, the data
produced in late 2000 included 1999 and 1998 returns processed in 2000. We do
this to parallel federal data.
Table 1 reports, for various residency and filing status groupings, the number
of all returns filed and the deciles for adjusted gross income. It also reports
the 5 percent and 95 percentage point breaks. These decile groupings are those
used to define income groups on table 5.
Table 2 reports for each of the major lines, where data is available, various
statistical measures for all taxpayers.
Table 3 is similar to table two, but there is a breakdown by residency. (Some
lines may seem to be missing where there are narrower breakdowns, this is to
prevent disclosure problems)
Table 4 is similar to table two, but it only includes full year residents and
there is a filing status breakdown.
Table 5 reports by filing status for full-year-residents using an income
breakdown based on adjusted gross income deciles. In addition to the income
bracket limits and the number of non-zero entries, the total amount, the mean
for all taxpayers in the group, the mean for non-zero entries, and the median
are reported.
We are frequently asked about the number of taxpayers and the amount of
Utah taxable income that is in each of the current state income tax brackets.
The following two tables respond to that issue. For these tables we have
collapsed the filing status groups into two, putting heads of households and
married joint together, and amalgamating single filers with married filing
single. We did this is because the tax brackets are the same for these groups.
Table 6 shows for each of the collapsed groups, the number of returns and the
amount of taxable income in the lower brackets (all but the top) and the amount
in the top bracket. It also reports the percent of returns and percent of
taxable income in each bracket for each group. For example, 42.1 percent of all
full-year returns are in the top bracket and file married joint or head of
household; 66.9 percent of all full-year taxable income is taxed at the top
rate and belongs to the joint or household group. In summary, 65.0 percent of
all taxpayers are in the top bracket and 82.0 percent of all taxable income is
taxed at the top rate (up from last year).
Table 7 is a special table for those who are interested in creating
their own tax system. For singles and separates together, as well as for
married filing joint and for head of households together, it shows the number of
returns falling in a narrow taxable income band. It also shows the taxable income in that band of income. Any taxpayer’s income will show up partially
in the band where his highest dollar is as well as partially in all lower
bands. For example, a joint return with
$33,000 in taxable income will have $750 put in all bands up to that ending at
$33,000. This allows the calculation of the impact of changing brackets and
rates for those who are inclined.
Various tax credits and checkoffs
are shown on table 8.
In addition to individuals, trusts pay income taxes in Utah. Table
9 shows the taxes paid by fiduciaries according to the size of the taxes paid.
Only 26 returns reported taxes greater than $50,000, and the total paid was $16
million. The same table shows the breakdown between resident and non-resident
This section contains a brief
description of two income tax changes that may impact a large number of