These tables report tax
credits. The first table indicates the raw data reported on the return, and the
second table for each year corrects some amounts that are reported, but not
used because the tax liability was not large enough to allow the full
credit. Several of the credits have
been combined in an "other credits" (see table footnotes) category to
prevent disclosure problems since so few taxpayers use them. The category may
have different members from year to year. (Some of them are very new, however.)
Readers may note that
the return numbers do not add up. This is because a return may include several
credits; in fact, most do because of the prepayment credit.
Prepayments of corporate
taxes and the withholding of taxes on mineral
production royalties are claimed on the Utah form as refundable credits.
To the purist, it may even seem strange to call these credits against the tax
since they are actually payments of the tax. It appears the prepayment
requirements are working well to collect taxes, and that firms, in aggregate,
are cautious in meeting prepayment requirements, overpaying taxes. This can of
course create problems when there is a downturn and large amounts of
prepayments must be returned with interest.
Refundable credits -
those which will be returned to the taxpayer if they exceed the tax liability -
include the "Off-Highway Agricultural Gas Tax Credit" and the
"Targeted Business Credit" in addition to the above prepayments.
Nonrefundable credits
are designed to induce corporations to engage in a socially or economically
desired behavior, such as investing in underdeveloped areas or research, or at
least to reward them for doing so.
Since they are nonrefundable, the full value of the credit may often not
be used. The nonrefundable total, on
the accompanying allowed table, reports on those credits that can actually be
used to reduce taxes, and the balance is reported on the line "excess
credit”. There may also be a larger amount of unused credits available since
some forms only report credits that are usable.
The reseach credit was
the most expensive in 2004, as in 2003. Combined with the research equipment
credit, well over $15 million was claimed, but only about $4 million was usable
in 2004.