Shares by Sector

Tax Amounts and Shares by Sector: Calendar Years 1994 and 1995
  1994 1995    
Sector Taxes Shares Taxes Shares Ave Share Growth
Not coded, oth., or non-discls. $ 23,918,745 19.67% $ 30,965,107 22.03% 20.85% 29.46%
Agr., forestry, and fishing $ 1,166,135 0.96% $ 1,181,695 0.84% 0.90% 1.33%
Mining $ 1,726,218 1.42% $ 3,628,842 2.58% 2.00% 110.22%
Construction $ 3,611,295 2.97% $ 4,197,209 2.99% 2.98% 16.22%
Manufacturing $ 23,531,632 19.35% $ 28,222,954 20.08% 19.72% 19.94%
Trans., comm., util. $ 15,062,072 12.39% $ 13,539,855 9.63% 11.01% -10.11%
Wholesale trade $ 14,003,687 11.52% $ 15,380,845 10.94% 11.23% 9.83%
Retail trade $ 11,401,824 9.38% $ 13,200,472 9.39% 9.38% 15.78%
Fin., insur., and real estate $ 12,977,172 10.67% $ 14,746,469 10.49% 10.58% 13.63%
Services $ 14,209,763 11.68% $ 15,480,701 11.01% 11.35% 8.94%
Total $ 121,608,543 100.00% $ 140,544,149 100.00% 100.00% 15.57%

Last Updated on 03/30/1998