Response February 20, 2000
March 11,1999
l am writing to request an advisory opinion concerning
sales tax on out of state purchases by Utah residents. I spoke with you several
days ago concerning this matter.
Our company is involved in the sale of recreational
vehicles. These vehicles range from fold down tent campers which sale for
$3000.00 or better, all the way up to diesel powered motor homes that sale for
in excess of $200,000.00. We have made a major commitment to our industry in which we have constructed a new
$$$$$ facility located on ##### acres in CITY, Utah. Our goal is to provide the
best service and value to our customers in their RV purchase experience.
The more expensive the unit our customers our trying
to buy, the greater distance they will go in their shopping. This is understandable
and we have no problem competing heads up on product, and our dealership. The
problem is that of sales tax, something we can't control. Every $200,000.00
unit we don't sell, the state will loose over $12,000.00 in revenue, something
we all should be concerned with.
We have customers tell us they can buy in Montana
without having to pay any sales tax. In my research I found that they are
setting up holding companies in Montana, registering the unit there and by
doing so they are told they are not subject to our sales tax. I found one of
the dealers in Montana, who has the same product as we carry, has sent in the
warranty registrations with our manufacturer using his address for over 20
units. I have enclosed a copy of those names, but I
do not know how many are Utah residents. I have also
enclosed several advertisements that appear in several consumer trade
magazines. I can not help but think that by doing this for the sole intent of
avoiding sales tax is illegal.
I spoke with NAME several months ago concerning this
same issue. I appreciate any help you can give concerning this. Should you need
any additional information or clarification please call me at ##### or my cell
phone at #####. I will be happy to assist you in any way.
Thank you
February 22, 2000
RE: Use Tax
Application to Motor Homes Bought in Montana by Utah Residents
Dear NAME,
We have received your advisory opinion request
concerning the Utah sales and use tax consequences for a Utah resident who
purchases a motor home in Montana.
According to your letter, the Utah resident, when purchasing the motor
home in Montana, will set up a Montana holding company which will hold title to
the motor home. It is the Montana
holding company that then purchases the motor home and registers it in
Montana. Under these circumstances, you
ask whether a Utah resident who purchases a motor home in Montana is subject to
Utah=s sales and use tax on the purchase of that motor
Utah Code Ann. '41-1a-201
provides that unless exempted, a motor vehicle may not be operated in Utah
unless it has been registered with Utah.
Utah Code Ann. '41-1a-202(2)(a) does exempt from registration vehicles
registered in another state and owned by a nonresident of Utah. In the situation you have described, the
motor home is registered in Montana and owned by a Montana holding company. A Montana LLC may still be a Utah resident
if it stores and uses property in this state.
See Section 41-1a-202(1)(b)(i)(B).
Section 41-1a-202(3) further provides that once an owner is considered a
for registration purposes, the registration of the vehicle must occur within 60
days of that residency being established.
Thus, Utah law is clear that if a motor home is
purchased and registered in Montana, but operated and stored in Utah, that
motor home is not only subject to Utah sales and use tax on its purchase price,
but also to Utah=s registration and titling requirements. Purchasing and registering a motor home in
another state under the pretense that it will not be stored or operated in Utah
is a violation of Utah law. This is true
even if the motor home=s legal owner (i.e., the Montana holding company) is domiciled
in that other state. For example, there
are many Delaware corporations that own
vehicles operated in Utah, and those vehicles must be registered and titled in
Utah, not in Delaware. The requirements
are no different for a motor home owned by a Montana holding company.
A person operating a motor home in Utah in violation
of the '41-1a-202(3) registration requirements may be charged
with a class B misdemeanor and subject to a minimum fine of $1000.00. Please contact us if you have any other questions.
For the Commission,
Marc B. Johnson