
Response February 9, 1999





Dear NAME.


We are writing regarding the Utah sales and use tax implications related to the sale of medical oxygen to medical service organizations. The basis of our request is as follows.


Medical Oxygen Sales


One of our clients, a home health care company (AThe Company@), sells medical oxygen in returnable containers to health care providers (e.g., doctors, HMOs, nursing homes and hospitals) for subsequent distribution to individuals pursuant to a doctor=s written prescription.


Utah statutes specifically include oxygen in the definition of a medicine. Accordingly, we believe that the sale of oxygen to medical service providers who will administer the oxygen to individuals pursuant to a doctor's written prescription or chart orders should qualify or the exemption from sales tax for prescription medicines.


We respectfully request written clarification regarding the Utah sales and use tax treatment related to sales of medical oxygen to medical providers. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call me at #####.







February 9, 1999


RE: Advisory Opinion - Sales Tax Exemption for Oxygen Used as a Medicine


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an advisory opinion concerning the sales tax exemption for medicine and its application to the sale of oxygen. You have specifically asked if oxygen sold to a medical care provider is subject to the exemption.


Sales of medicine are exempted from Utah=s sales and use tax. Utah Code Ann '59-12-104(10). For purposes of the exemption, Amedicine@ is defined in Utah Code Ann. '59-12-102(13)(b) to include Aany oxygen or stoma supplies prescribed by a physician or administered under the direction of a physician or paramedic.@ Accordingly, the sale of oxygen to medical service providers is exempt from taxation if the oxygen is to be prescribed by a physician or administered under the direction of a physician. Oxygen administered pursuant to a doctor=s written prescription or chart orders could be purchased tax-free because of this medicine exemption.


Please contact us if you have any other questions.



For the Commission,




Joe B. Pacheco, CPA

