
Response October 5, 1998




Attention Voluntary Disclosure Section


To Whom It May Concern:

I represent a manufacturing business in Indiana with sales in your state. This company is not currently registered with you. At the suggestion of Company counsel, an opinion Is requested if registration is necessary. The Company has not previously registered because it believes its sales are exempt from your state's sales tax. My client manufactures equipment that is used by other manufacturing businesses within your state. It is believed that your state grants a manufacturing exemption for such transactions. Other pertinent information about this business is as follows:


1) The Company has no payroll or property within your state. All such items are located in Indiana.

2) Sales are solicited by independent manufacturers representatives who work on a commission basis only.

3) Product is shipped via common carrier from Indiana.

4) The employees of the Company provide no installation, training or on site repair services.


If it is determined that the Company should register and pay taxes in your state, such should be on a prospective basis. This would be on the basis of voluntary disclosure, recognition of the prior exempt nature of the transaction and the possibility that there is no

nexus. Thank you in advance for your cooperation


Very truly yours,





November 30, 1998





RE: Advisory Opinion - Nexus and Voluntary Disclosure Program


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an advisory opinion concerning your client, a company (“Company”) which manufactures equipment and sells that equipment to Utah manufacturing businesses. You ask if the Company is required to register with the State of Utah for sales tax purposes and, if so, how the Company may register under the Voluntary Disclosure Program that the Tax Commission has implemented.


Nexus and Registration. Sales tax nexus exists for the Company if it makes sales in Utah, unless the only activity leading to those sales is advertising or solicitation by direct mail. Your letter states that the Company’s sales are solicited by independent manufacturers’ representatives. As this activity is not either advertising or solicitation by direct mail, the Company has acquired sales tax nexus with Utah.


As the Company has sales tax nexus with Utah, it is required to register with the state for sales tax purposes and submit sales tax returns. You suggest that registration and filing of returns may not be necessary if the Company’s only sales are for equipment subject to Utah’s sales tax exemption for manufacturing equipment. This is not the case.


Utah Admin. Code R865-19S-12(A) requires all persons responsible for collecting sales and use tax to file a return with the Tax Commission whether or not sales tax is due. Furthermore, Utah Admin. Code R865-19S-23(A) requires a vendor selling tangible personal property to customers exempt from sales tax to keep records (i.e., exemption certificates) verifying the nontaxable status of those sales. Accordingly, the Company has various reporting and record keeping duties, even if no sales taxes are due.


We should also point out that the manufacturing equipment exemption is complex because of the difficulty of determining if the equipment is used in new or expanding operations, as a normal operating replacement, or for repair or maintenance. Depending upon its use, the equipment may or may not be subject to the sales tax exemption for manufacturing equipment. Nevertheless, by retaining on file an exemption certificate from the purchaser, you, as the vendor, may rely upon the purchaser’s claim that the purchase is exempt and are protected should the equipment later be deemed not to qualify for the exemption.


Voluntary Disclosure Program. The Tax Commission has approved a Voluntary Disclosure Program designed to help businesses voluntarily resolve prior tax liabilities. Companies wishing to enter into the program may do so through contact and exchange of information with the Voluntary Disclosure Program staff. We are forwarding a copy of this letter to the program staff to have them contact you concerning the Company’s interest in entering the program. Should you need it, the address and telephone number for the Voluntary Disclosure Program are:


Auditing Division, Nexus Division

Voluntary Disclosure Program

Utah State Tax Commission

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84134-2200

PH: (801)297-4600


Please contact us if you have any other questions.


For the Commission,



Joe B. Pacheco, CPA

