
Response July 20, 1998




June 30, 1998


The 1996 Small Business Job Protection Act (the "'96 Act") amended the Internal Revenue Code ("Code") to permit qualifying corporations and their wholly owned subsidiaries to elect S corporation status. In such cases, the parent can elect to treat all of its subsidiaries as if the parent and the subsidiaries were collectively one corporation for federal income tax purposes. The subsidiaries are called "QSSS" subsidiaries under the relevant federal S corporation provisions, and are treated as divisions of the parent company.


My questions are:


1. Does your Department or Commission intend to follow this specialized tax treatment for your state's income or franchise tax purposes?


2. If not, is it your opinion that legislation would be required in order to permit state tax treatment that would conform to the federal treatment'?


3. Would you please provide me with copies of or citations for any notices, regulations or other rulings that your state has issued on this topic?


I would really appreciate a prompt response to this inquiry because some taxpayers who have made special S and QSSS elections for federal purposes are requesting guidance on how to file their income tax returns for state purposes.









July 20, 1998






RE: Advisory Opinion - S Corporations That Elect to Treat Subsidiaries as Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an advisory opinion concerning Utah’s income and franchise tax treatment of parent S corporations that elect to treat its subsidiaries as Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries for federal income tax purposes. The Commission has previously discussed this issue and decided that Utah law, which generally establishes that federal taxable income is a base from which to determine Utah taxable income, permits the same treatment of Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries as provided under the Internal Revenue Code.


While no regulations have been enacted that specifically implement this policy, the most recent Small Business Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return and Instructions (Form TC-20S) has been modified to reflect this treatment (copy enclosed).


We hope this provides the guidance you requested. Please contact us if you have any other questions.


For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco, CPA

