
Response June 10, 1998





May 22, 1998


Re: State Telecommunications Taxes and Surcharges


Dear Sir:


The purpose for this correspondence is to obtain information that will be presented publicly, aud upon which parties may thereafter rely in business and regulatory matters to operate in the State of Utah. I would appreciate as rapid a response from the Utah State Tax Commission as possible. In any event, thank you for your assistance and I anticipate that I will need to communicate with the Utah State Tax Commission directly after receipt of information requested in this letter. As a result, your response might indicate a contact person and phone number to whom such communication may be directed.


State Sales Tax - Presubscribed Services


First I would like to inquire as to whether or not the State of Utah requires a state Sales Tax sometimes referred to as a "Utility User Tax") be assessed against presubscribed telecommunications services sold to end users in Utah. (Presubscribed telecommunications services are those services that may be direct dialed from a residential or business phone. e.g., local, 1+, 800/888, and calling card calls.) If so: 1) Is the state Sales Tax a combined rate (i.e., does the state allocate from its collected telecommunications sales tax revenue to the local

taxing jurisdictions or may local taxing authorities - city and county - assess similar taxes on their own.) 2) What is the current tax rate; 3) Is the tax assessed against all calls originated in Utah or against only those calls that originate in Utah and terminate in Utah; and, 4) May the

telecommunications service provider "flow through" the state Sales Tax to the end user as a line item on the end user's phone bill.


If Utah does not assess a telecommunications services Sales or Utility Users Tax, but local taxing jurisdictions may assess such a tax, does your agency maintain information such as that requested in paragraph one on those jurisdictions? If so, would it be possible to please provide me with that information. If, however, your agency does not maintain such information, can your agency provide me with a mailing list of those local taxing jurisdictions so that I might directly make inquiry thereto?


Prepaid Calling Cards


Prepaid calling cards (also referred to as "debit cards") have become a standard product in the portfolio of telecommunications services providers. As you may be aware, these calling cards are distinct from traditional calling cards in that the user pays a fee "up front" for the privilege of subsequently using the card. (As compared to the traditional card that is billed after usage to the end user on the end user's local or long distance bill These traditional cards are usually assessed any taxes or surcharges on the bill.)


With the prepaid card, the buyer may or may not utilize the card (e.g., collectors do not use the card and may buyers do not use all of the card) and therefore not receive immediate value at the time of purchase, and/or may use the card for calls that would not be subject to a state or local taxing authority's telecommunication; services taxes. (For example, if a state or local tax is assessed on against calls that originate and terminate in the state, and are billed to an address in the state, a prepaid calling card call that terminates out of the state {and of course there is no bill} would not be assessed such a tax.)


My question: if Utah assesses telecommunications sales or utility users tax, regarding these taxes, at what point does the liability for such a tax occur for prepaid/debit calling cards? At the point of sale or at the time the buyer receives value - the time the call is made. As you can see, if the buyer pays an additional amount in the form of sales or utility user tax at the time of the sale, the buyer bears the tax burden and may be paying tax that is not directly related to the value. If, however, the tax is assessed at the time the buyer receives his or her value (the time of the call), the buyer gets full value and the burden of the tax falls on the service provider to pay the tax out of card sales revenue.


I appreciate your consideration of this correspondence and look forward to your response. Thank you for your assistance.









June 10, 1998






RE: Advisory Opinion - Sales Tax on Telecommunication Services


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for information concerning the application of sales tax under Utah law on telecommunication services. Specifically, you have asked a number of questions concerning both presubscribed services and prepaid calling cards. Let us address each of these categories separately.


Presubscribed Services. Utah does assess a sales tax on intrastate telephone service, which is defined under Utah Admin. Code R865-19S-90 (copy attached). Accordingly, your first four questions are relevant to Utah’s taxation system.


Question #1. The sales tax rate applied in Utah is, by your definition, a combined rate. The Tax Commission receives the total sales tax, then distributes to any city or town its portion of the sales tax received.


Question #2. Though the current sales tax rate varies, depending upon location, from 5.75% to 7.00%, a range from 6.00% to 6.35% exists in almost all areas of the state.


Question #3. As indicated above, intrastate telephone service is taxable. Intrastate is defined in Section A.2. of Rule R865-19S-90 to mean a transmission that originates and terminates in this state, even if the route of the transmission signal itself leaves and reenters the state.


Question #4. Yes, sales tax may “flow through” as a line item on the end user’s telephone bill.


Prepaid Calling Cards. You have asked two questions concerning these cards: (1) whether Utah assesses a sales tax on the cards; and (2) if it does, at what point is the tax liability incurred. First, Utah does assess a sales tax on prepaid calling cards, but does exempt from taxation sales of telephone service charged to a prepaid calling card. Second, tax liability is incurred at the time and point of sale, with the seller having the responsibility to remit the tax.


Please contact us if you have any other questions. As per your request, you may contact Customer Service at (801)297-2200 for tax information. By selecting option #5, you will reach a representative who may answer your tax questions.


For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco

