
Response May 26, 1998





May 6, 1998


By fax: 801-297-3899





COMPANY A is a STATE corporation that is doing business in STATE and Utah. The company provides landscape maintenance services to corporate clients in Utah using local subcontractors. All equipment is provided by the subcontractors. The company provides only services and has no employees, no stock of goods and has no office or place of business in Utah. All billings and collection are done from the corporation's main office in STATE.


I have been told by an agent at the Utah State Tax Commission at 800-662-4334, that revenue from landscaping services is specifically exempted from sales tax under Utah Tax Code section R865-19S-58, paragraph B. However I received conflicting advice a few weeks earlier.


Please advise us in writing if the company is subject to Utah Sales Tax or State Income Tax on the income from Utah Sources. The company has filed certificate of Authority and Utah Business and Tax Registration forms and received the account number #####. If you need further information, please contact me at #####.








May 26, 1998






RE: Advisory Opinion - Utah Tax Liability for a STATE State Landscaping Company


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an advisory opinion concerning the Utah tax liability for a STATE corporation that supplies landscape services (“landscape company”). Your letter addresses two issues, specifically: (1) does the company have nexus with Utah for sales and income tax purposes; and (2) does Utah law impose a sales tax on the services provided by the landscape company. Let us address each of these issues separately.


Nexus. The landscape company has a contract with a bank located in STATE to supply landscape maintenance services to its branches, some of which are located in Utah. The landscape company then enters into contracts with Utah-based subcontractors to actually perform the landscape services at the bank branches located in Utah. Entering into contracts with Utah entities and earning revenue from contracts that are carried out in Utah subject the landscape company to both sales tax and income tax nexus with Utah.


Sales Tax Liability. Utah Admin. Code 865-19S-58(B) does provide that labor performed on real property is not subject to sales tax. As you have indicated, the services provided through your subcontractors include mowing lawns, watering the grass, and planting flowers. As long as these services are performed on real property, there is no sales tax liability. However, please be aware that sales tax is due on the purchase of personal property, such as plants or flowers, that may be bought in connection with the landscape services. We have enclosed for your review the Tax Commission’s Publication #45, Sales Tax Guidelines for Horticulture Specialty Trades, which addresses tax situations relevant to a landscape business.


Please contact us if you have any other questions.


For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco

