
Response May 4, 1998





February 17, 1998


Dear Sir or Madam,


We believe after talking with NAME, the XXXXX Manager and a gentleman in your offices by the name of Scott Stevens, that because our product is explosives and is stored in magazines in two locations outside the XXXXX limits, we should be paying only 6%. I have changed the actual physical location on the form TC-71 Schedule A, and used a new code number that was supplied by Mr. Stevens, The address that was on the Schedule A was the physical address of our office.


Please notify me of any problems.








May 4, 1998






RE: Advisory Opinion - Place of Sale


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an advisory opinion concerning the sales tax rate that applies to your sales of explosives. For this opinion, we understand that you have a sales office in XXXXX, Utah, and two storage facilities located in XXXXX County outside the XXXXX City limits. The explosives you sell are both stored at and delivered from these two storage facilities outside XXXXX City. This opinion is valid only for the facts as thus stated.


Utah Admin. Code R865-12L-5(C) provides that “[i]f a seller has more than one place of business in Utah, and if two or more of such locations participate in the sale, the sale occurs at the place of business where the tangible personal property is located or the place from which it is shipped or delivered.” A sales office and a warehouse are both considered a place of business, and both do participate in your sales. As the explosives are both stored at and delivered from the storage facilities outside XXXXX City, the rule provides that the storage facility, and not the sales office, is the place of sale.


The sales tax rate in XXXXX County outside the XXXXXX City limits is currently six percent (6%) and is the rate that should be applied to your sales of explosives. Please contact us if you have any other questions.


For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco

