
Response September 26, 1997





September 11, 1997


Dear Commissioners,


I would like to know if selling reserved seats for the high school football season qualifies as a tax exempt fund raising activity? Each August our high school office sells reserved seats in the "Home" bleachers for $15.00 each. For this price the Vice Principal marks a 2 ft. section on the bleachers with the purchasers name. This saves the purchaser from having to come early to the football game and save seats with a blanket. The $15.00 only reserves the seat. It is not an admission fee. The admission fee must be paid by purchasing a season pass or ticket at the gate. I pay sales tax on the passes and tickets. I am hoping the reserved seats will qualify as a tax exempt fund raiser. The funds are all deposited in a dedicated account named reserved seats/bleachers." The high school controls the account and the money is used to purchase equipment and materials for the school.









September 26, 1997






Advisory Opinion - Charges for reserved seating at football games.


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for sales tax guidance pertaining to sales of reserved seats at your school’s football games. We offer the following:


Utah law exempts from sales tax all “sales relating to schools” and all “fundraising sales.” (See §59-12-104 (39)). The term “sales relating to schools” includes sales directly related to the school’s educational functions, but expressly excludes gate receipts for school sporting events. (See §59-12-102 (21)). You have correctly determined that charges for admission to the games are taxable.


It appears that the charge for reserved seats is a charge that is separate from the gate receipts and that is structured to fall within the fundraising exemption. On that basis, we agree that these charges are exempt from tax so long as the fundraising activity is part of an officially sanctioned school activity that is conducted in conformance with your school’s or school district’s formal fundraising policy, that the receipts are not used in any manner to compensate school or educational personnel, and that the receipts are deposited in a dedicated account which is controlled by the school.


Please let us know if you have other questions.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco,

