
Response September 26, 1997





August 18, 1997


RE: Request for Advisory Opinion


Dear Chairman Oveson:


Enclosed is a Request for Advisory Opinion ("the Request") which we are submitting on behalf of our client to whom we will refer to as XYZ, Inc. ("XYZ"). XYZ is an importer and distributor of motor vehicles. XYZ is planning to offer selected prospective customers a free test drive of their vehicles for a period not to exceed twelve months with no obligation to lease or

buy at the end of the period. In order to ensure that XYZ meets its compliance responsibilities, the Company is seeking a determination which would outline the State's position regarding sales/use tax.


Please note, XYZ reserves the right to file this Request on a "no-name basis". Accordingly, we hereby request that this Request be issued in the name of COMPANY A. In the event a favorable conclusion has been reached, XYZ reserves the right to file an identical Request under the corporate name.


I previously submitted a written request dated June 18, 1997. Please consider this request as an addendum to our original request.


Once you have had an opportunity to thoroughly review the Request, please prepare a written response to the issues addressed herein and send it to my attention. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call me at #####.


Very truly yours,




*Additional Information contained in the file





September 26, 1997







Advisory Opinion: Application of sales tax on vehicles offered to customers for trial use.


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an opinion as to the application of sales tax to vehicles offered as demonstrators to potential buyers. Specifically, the company proposes to offer vehicles to drivers in this state for a specific period. At the end of the period, the potential buyer has the option to purchase the vehicle or return it. The potential buyer is not required to pay for normal use of the vehicle, but may be liable for payment for excessive wear or damage during the trial period. You have asked whether there is a sales tax liability associated with this kind of transaction.


Utah Administrative Rule R865-19S-82 (copy enclosed) states that when a vehicle is drawn from inventory for use by persons other than sales personnel, a taxable transaction has occurred. Although the rule does not contemplate a transaction in the nature that you have described, it offers a useful formula for determining the fair lease value of the vehicle. The fair lease value is the applicable tax base, and that amount is subject to sales and use tax. Your client, as the consumer, is liable for the tax


Please let us know if you have other questions.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco,

