
Response August 25, 1997






July 18, 1997


Re: Sales & Use Tax on Sale of Bottled Water


Dear W. Val Oveson:


Please provide answers to the following questions on the taxability of bottled water (still and carbonated) within your state.


1.) Are retail sales of bottled water (still and carbonated) subject to sales tax?


2.) Are wholesale sales of bottled water (still and carbonated) subject to sales tax?

Is it necessary to register only wholesale?


3.) Do wholesale sales (sale and resale) require receipt of an exemption certificate

from the purchaser? Please provide a copy of such certificate.


4.) If the answer to question #1 or #2 above is yes, please provide a copy of the

applicable state tax regulations along with a copy of the applicable registration



5.) In addition, please provide any reporting requirements for municipalities

within your state.


If you have any questions, please call. I can be reached at ##### . Thank you for your help.


Kind Regards:









August 25, 1997










Advisory Opinion - Application of sales tax to Utah sales of bottled water.


Dear NAME,


We have received your request for sales tax guidance pertaining to bottled water. We advise as follows:


Under Utah law, sales of tangible personal property are subject to sales tax unless otherwise exempt. The term “tangible personal property” includes “water in bottles, tanks or other containers.” See Utah Code Ann. §§59-12-102 (23) and 59-12-103. Retail sales of bottled water in Utah are subject to Utah sales and use tax. Wholesale sales (sales for resale) in Utah are exempt.


If your company operates outside of Utah, but makes sales in Utah, it is required to collect and remit sales tax on its Utah sales if it has sufficient presence in Utah to create nexus. A publication explaining Utah’s nexus guidelines is enclosed for your information. If your company has nexus in Utah or if your company has no nexus but opts to collect and remit sales tax voluntarily, you must apply for a sales tax license. An application form (TC-69) is enclosed. If you need assistance with the licensing process, contact our Customer Service Division at (801) 297-7741.


As a vendor licensed to collect sales tax in Utah, your company must keep appropriate records of all Utah sales transactions, including exemption certificates for all tax free sales. A copy of our exemption certificate is enclosed. You may copy it for use by your Utah wholesale customers as needed.


Various counties and cities have adopted local option sales taxes. As a result, tax rates vary from one community to another. The tax rates that apply to your Utah sales may depend upon how or where you make Utah sales (e.g. from a fixed retail location vs. mail order). I have enclosed a tax rate schedule for your information However, once you are licensed, the Tax Commission will send you the appropriate tax return forms with instructions about tax rates. If you have questions about local ordinances passed by any particular county or municipality, please contact that entity directly.


If you have further questions, please contact us again.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco,

