
Response July 16, 1997





June 24, 1997


Dear Ms. Rees:


Please find enclosed two copies of the most recent issues of the NEWSLETTER. Before embarking on publishing this monthly community newsletter, we contacted the Utah State Tax Commission and asked if there was a sales tax on advertising in a publication such as ours. The answer was “no” after those we had spoken to referred to whatever guidelines they had in front of them. Then, this last week we received a Sales and Use Tax Return form in the mail. We then called the State Tax Commission and spoke to NAME and he was kind enough to FAX a page of the Tax Code regarding newspapers, magazines and advertising. In R865-195-65, Section 59-12-103 and 59-12-104, it states, "2. To be classified as a newspaper, the publication must appear to be a newspaper in the general or common sense and must contain the following elements: a. published at short intervals, daily or weekly; b. must not, when its successive issues are put together, constitute a book; c. must be intended for circulation among the general public; d. must contain matters of general interest and report on current events.


It is our opinion that our publication fits all criteria for not being subject to sales and use tax. NAME suggested that we consult with you regarding Item a. published at short intervals, daily, or weekly; He stated that since NEWSLETTER is published monthly that it was open to interpretation if it qualified as being published at short intervals. We understand that there is specific use and meaning of punctuation in writing legal and tax code. It is clear to us that in the use of commas as they appear in Item A.2.a., the terms daily, or weekly are not exclusively descriptive of the term short interval, and the way it is worded allows other interpretations of the term short intervals. Our first issue was published February of this year and we have not collected sales tax on the advertisements that have appeared in NEWSPAPER. We would appreciate your interpretation of the Tax Code in relationship to our publication at this time. We have been operating in accordance with the information we received over the phone prior to our embarking on this venture. Please inform us of our publication's status in terms of exemption from sales and use tax.


Thank you. Sincerely,







July 16, 1997







Advisory Opinion - Application of Sales Tax to Sales of Advertising Space



Dear NAME,


We have received your request for an opinion as to the taxability of the advertisements in your publication, the NEWSPAPER. As we understand the facts, the NEWSLETTER is a monthly newsletter published for the CITY area containing matters of general interest to the community.


The advertising space sold in the NEWSPAPER is not subject to sales tax. Utah Administrative Rule R865-19S-65C states that “advertising space sold in newspapers, magazines, or otherwise is not subject to tax.” Your publication probably falls under the definition of “newspaper” as outlined in Utah Administrative Rule R865-19S-65(C), because it is published at relatively short intervals (monthly), its successive issues are not put together in a book, it is intended for circulation among the general public, and it contains matters of general interest to its readers.


But even if the NEWSPAPER did not fall under the definition of a newspaper, that is, even if the monthly publication interval were too long to qualify it as a newspaper, it would still qualify as a “magazine or otherwise.” Therefore, the advertising space is not subject to sales tax.


Of course, your advertisers must pay sales tax on items they use and consume to produce the artwork (if any) used in their advertisements.


Please let us know if you have any other questions.


For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco,

