
Response October 21, 1996






September 30, 1996



Utah State Tax Commission

Heber M. Wells Bldg..

160 E 300 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134




Our organization has an opportunity to undertake some long term temporary assignments in Salt Lake City.


This effort is expected to last about 3 months and involve 2 - and sometimes 3 - individuals. Needless to say, it is incumbent upon us to understand and control our costs in this endeavor. Accordingly, we need to take advantage of any tax exemptions, among other things, that may be available. To this end, we will contract with a local hotel to rent two rooms for three months, with the possibility of extending that period, should the need become apparent. Our corporation will pay the room charges on a monthly basis, although the individuals will be responsible for their own incidental charges.


We believe this arrangement should qualify us for an exemption from the state tax on room charges. However, to avoid any misunderstanding - and facilitate our negotiations - with the hotel, we are asking you to advise if any of the following considerations would adversely affect this exemption.


1. What is the minimum number of nights required to be eligible for a tax exemption.


2. We may rotate individuals on this project.


3. If an individual goes home for a weekend, but we still pay for the unoccupied room, do we maintain that room's exemption?


4. If, because of variations in the hotel's occupancy level, the same room is not assigned to that person on his return (from #2 above), does that affect our tax exempt status?


5. Do the local taxing authorities (if any) have the same rules governing exemptions to their room tax - and whom should we contact?


the information you provide will be of invaluable aid in our ability to determine the economic viability of this project. It will be made available to the hotel as confirmation of our tax exempt status.






October 21, 1996




Advisory Opinion - sales tax on hotel accommodations




We have received your request for tax guidance pertaining to sales tax on hotel accommodations. We offer the following guidance:


Utah imposes sales tax on charges for hotel, motel or other tourist accommodation of less than 30 consecutive days. In some communities, an additional transit room tax is added to the sales tax calculation.


You have described a situation in which your company will rent two rooms for a period of about 3 months. The length of the rental period precludes taxation under the provisions mentioned so long as the rental period is uninterrupted. Your rental must be accompanied by a written agreement which specifies the rooms rented and the room rates must be billed at a specified monthly rate rather than accumulated daily rates.


Please contact us if you have other questions.

For the Commission,

Joe B. Pacheco,
