
Response September 30, 1996






September 4, 1996


Utah Department of Revenue

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Subject: Request for an advisory opinion


Dear Madam/Sir,


XXXXX is respectfully requesting an advisory opinion on the following situation. XXXXX leases agricultural equipment in Utah and is currently charging sales tax on a truck scale leased to a livestock producer. The producer has informed us that neither he nor anybody he knows has ever paid sales tax on this type of equipment in the past.


The truck scale is laid in a concrete pit with a deck. Trucks or wagons containing hay or alfalfa are then driven onto the scale and weighed, thus allowing the producer to keep track of how much feed he has on hand for his livestock. The scale and feed are used exclusively within the producers livestock operation and the scale is never used nor is the feed ever sold in the commercial market. No grain or any other commodities are weighed with the scale, only his livestock feed, which he produces for his livestock.


While XXXXX understands that this type of equipment would be subject to sales tax if used in a commercial operation, we request an advisory opinion on whether it is taxable if used exclusively within a producers operation.


If you need any more information or have any questions please call me.







September 30, 1996




Advisory opinion - Application of sales tax to lease of truck scale used by an agricultural producer.




We have received your request for an opinion as the taxability of a truck scale by a Utah agricultural producer. We find as follows:


Under section 59-12-104 (21) of the Utah Code, sales of tangible personal property used or consumed primarily and directly in farming operations are exempt from sales or use tax if they are used directly in agricultural production. The exemption applies whether the item retains its character as tangible personal property or if it is converted to real property upon installation. The exemption does not cover items used only incidentally in a farming operation or activities that are not directly involved in production, such as office supplies or equipment used in storage, sale or distribution of agricultural products.


The question before us is whether use of the scale is consider directly related or merely incidental to agricultural production. As described, the scale seems to serve a tracking or inventory function rather than production function. However, we have in the past allowed the exemption for certain feed storage facilities or containers. Because the feed is essential to agricultural production, the scale qualifies for exemption.


Please let us know if you have further questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer,
