
Response July 18, 1996




June 26, 1996



Utah Tax Commission

210 N 1950 W

Salt Lake City, UT 84134




We would like to request an advisory opinion regarding a taxpayer’s responsibility for collecting and remitting sales or use tax in the state of Utah. The taxpayer’s activities within Utah consist of selling advertising on golf course benches and tee markers. The benches and tee markers are owned by the taxpayer and are provided to the golf course in exchange for the golf course permitting the taxpayer to sell advertising to be affixed to the benches and tee markers. No tangible personal property is exchanged between the taxpayer and the golf course or the tax payer and the advertiser.


We appreciate your consideration of this matter and thank you in advance for your assistance.


If you should require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at XXXXX.


Very Truly Yours,





July 18, 1996




Advisory Opinion - Application of Sales Tax to Sales of Advertising Space.




We have received your request for an opinion as to the taxability of your client’s sale of advertising space on benches and tee markers on golf courses. As we understand the facts, your client owns benches and tee markers. Your client enters an agreement with a golf course to place these items on the course at no charge to the golf course. In exchange, your client sells advertising space on these items to third parties. On the basis of those facts we find as follows:


No taxable transaction occurs between your client and the golf course. Additionally, under Utah Administrative Rule R865-19S-65, the sale of advertising space is not subject to tax, nor are charges for preparing and placing the advertising media taxable. Therefore, the transaction between your client and the third party advertiser are not taxable.


Of course, your client must pay sales tax on his purchase of the benches or on the materials used to make the benches if he constructs them himself. Additionally, if your client produces the artwork, he must pay sales tax on items that he purchases and consumes to produce the artwork.


Please let us know if you have other questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer,
