
Response July 16, 1996




June 6, 1996


Office of Commissioners

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


Re: Advisory Opinion


Dear Sirs or Madams:


I am an owner in a new Internet service company, XXXXX. We are resellers of virtual servers, in other words, we lease space on remote Internet servers to our clients and customers. Is this activity subject to state sales tax? I have heard reports either way and need some clarification on this matter. Please write me at the address above with your opinion. Thank you.







July 16, 1996




Re: Advisory Opinion - Sales Tax for Internet Services




We received your request for an advisory opinion whether Utah law requires that you collect sales tax for space you lease on remote Internet servers to your clients. Under current Utah law, charges for access to on-line services such as the Internet are not subject to sales tax. If XXXXX engages in the sale or rental of computer equipment or “canned software,” those transactions are taxable.


From the information provided in your letter, it appears that charges to your customers are tax exempt under current Utah law. However, the legislature has hired a consultant to review the entire telecommunications field and advise it on possible changes in the future. The study should be completed before the 1997 legislative session, so you may expect news on these issues sometime after the session.


Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer,