
Response May 20, 1996




April 17, 1996



Utah State Tax Commission

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84134-0180




The purpose of this letter is to request an interpretive ruling pertaining to the use of carryforward Utah tax credits. The issue is whether Utah tax credits generated at the time a company was filing on a separate company basis in the state of Utah can now be used on a consolidated Utah tax return.


Company A, a 9/30 year end taxpayer, was acquired by Company B, a calendar year taxpayer, on 10/21/95. Prior to that time, Company A filed a separate company Utah tax return. Company B files a consolidated Utah tax return. For the 1995 Utah tax return, Company A's tax information for the period of 10/21/95 to 12/31/95 will be included in Company B consolidated Utah tax return. Company A has unused Utah tax credits which will expire on 9/30/98.


Please cite the basis upon which your department's determination is predicated including all pertinent rulings and court decisions.


If you are in need of further information regarding this ruling, please contact me in writing at the following address:




Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.







May 20, 1996




Re: Advisory Opinion - Corporate Tax Carryforwards




We have received your request for an opinion regarding unused carryforward tax credits of a company that has been acquired by another company. We find as follows:


Combined Return


Utah law no longer provides for a consolidated return. Company B, as described in your request, must file a combined report for itself and its subsidiaries if they are operating as a unitary group. A unitary group is a group of corporations that:


a. are related through common ownership; and

b. are economically interdependent with one another as demonstrated by centralized management, functional integration, and economies of scale.


§59-7-101 (28) (a) Utah Code Ann. Even if Company B is not operating with Company A as a unitary group, Company B may file a combined report if each company is doing business in Utah; each is part of an affiliated group; and each is qualified under Section 1501 of the Internal Revenue Code to file a consolidated return. §59-7-401 (2) Utah Code Ann.


Carrying Forward Tax Credits


The carryback and carryforward provisions for tax credits vary from one credit type to another. Your letter does not describe the nature of the tax credit at issue, so we cannot address your question specifically. However, we can say that Utah law has no provision for transferring tax credits from one taxpayer to another. Assuming that Company A earned tax credits which may be carried forward, Company A’s tax credits may not be used to offset Company B’s income.


We assume from the facts offered in your letter that Company A cannot file a separate return. In preparing a combined report, Company B must prepare a separate calculation to demonstrate that the credit is applied only against the tax on Company A’s share of income on the combined report.


Please let us know if you have further questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer,
