
Response May 3, 1996




April 9, 1996



Sales Tax

State Tax Commission

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84134




I would like to get an official opinion on sales tax that we are being charged with regard to certain services provided to us by our vendor XXXXX.


Specifically, we rent semi-trailers (not the tractors just the trailers) from XXXXX for storage purposes. XXXXX is charging us sales tax on the delivery of the trailers which is a separate line item on the invoice (see Exhibit I ). In addition, XXXXX is charging us sales tax when we have them move the trailers from one location to another (see Exhibit 2).


Is this tax treatment correct, or are these particular items exempt from sales tax? You input would be most helpful. If you need any additional information regarding these specific issues, please call me.







May 3, 1996




Re: Advisory opinion -- sales tax related to rentals of trailers




We have received your request for an opinion regarding the application of sales tax to your company’s rentals of trailers from XXXXX. We find as follows:


Sales or leases of vehicles are subject to sales tax unless the lessee is an “authorized carrier.” An authorized carrier is one who holds credentials indicating that the vehicle is operated pursuant to the XXXXX (XXXXX) and the XXXXX (XXXXX). We assume from the information provided in your letter, XXXXX is not an “authorized carrier.” However, if XXXXX is an authorized carrier, it operates these trailers under their operating authority, and it reports these trailers as part of a qualified fleet for purposes of XXXXX and XXXXX, the lease to XXXXX is exempt. Nothing in the documents accompanying your request suggests that XXXXX is an authorized carrier or, if it is, that it is reporting these trailers as part of their XXXXX and XXXXX qualified fleets. You may wish to check with them for clarification.


Assuming that the rental of the trailers is taxable, we view the delivery charge as just part of the taxable rental cost, even if XXXXX itemizes the delivery charge on the invoice.


Subsequent charges to move the trailer from one location to another are not subject to taxation if:


1. the trailer is moved by a carrier operating as a common carrier, and


2. the charges are unrelated to the lease itself.


A common carrier is a carrier that holds itself out to the public as engaging in commercial transportation of people or property for hire. We cannot tell from your letter whether XXXXX is a common carrier that hauls for others or whether it is just in the business of selling or renting motor carrier vehicles. Assuming that XXXXX is a common carrier, the charges for moving the trailers are exempt from sales tax if the charges represent independent transactions that are completely separate from the rental transaction.


Please contact us if you have additional questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer,
