
Response February 9, 1996





January 10, 1996


Dear Commissioner:


We respectfully request your opinion concerning the proper sales and use tax treatment of a particular service/product provided by our client to their automobile dealership customers. We ask for your response by XXXXX. If you will be unable to provide a complete response by this date, we respectfully request you acknowledge receipt of this inquiry and indicate when a response can be anticipated.




Our client produces a service pricing guide customized to the needs of each of their automobile dealership customers. The dealership can request that the service pricing guide be customized as much or as little as desired (i.e. different times, per hour costs, and supply costs for different repairs). The dealership provides their repair or routine service labor rates for specific automobiles by manufacturer (i.e. XXXXX etc.). Our client establishes a database incorporating the labor costs with standardized parts costs, miscellaneous costs and sales taxes. Using this database, our client creates a service pricing guide. The dealership uses the pricing guide for quickly and professionally estimating service costs in a comprehensive format for virtually all standard repairs.


Presently, the service pricing guides are provided on three types of media: 1) paper manual, 2) software (tape) for mainframes, and 3) software (diskette) for a stand alone personal computer. The guides are updated monthly or quarterly, as requested by the dealership. A one time set up fee is charged for consultation about the selection of the best media form for the dealership, establishment of the databases, and installation of the service pricing guide on the dealership's computer, if necessary. Also, the dealership is charged a monthly maintenance fee for the right to have the database updated as needed.


The consultation generally is provided at the dealership's location in your state. The establishment and maintenance of the database is performed at our client's location not in your state. The installation of the database on the dealership's computer may occur manually at the dealership's location in your state or at our client's location via telephone or satellite connection depending upon the form of media or the computer sophistication of the dealership's personnel.




The following questions are designed for “yes” and “no” answers and address the taxability of the service/product our client offers to the automobile dealerships in your jurisdiction. We also ask for any narrative response that you believe is important to help clarify your state's position. Please include relevant citations to law or regulations as support for your answers.


For your convenience, responses may be directly made on this page and returned in the enclosed envelope. If a response cannot be made because of insufficient information, please do not hesitate to contact XXXXX at XXXXX.


1) Is the charge for the set-up fee (consultation, building of database, and installation) taxable?


2) Does your answer to question #l change if the installation is done via telephone or satellite connection?


3) Is the monthly maintenance charge for the right to updates taxable?


4) Do your answers to the above two questions change if the service pricing guide is in software format as opposed to a paper manual?


So that we may follow up with any additional questions that may arise, please provide the following information:


Name of Respondent





Thank you very much for your consideration and attention to this matter.


Truly yours,





February 9, 1996



Tax Senior


RE: Advisory Opinion - Application of sales tax to sales of pricing guides.




We have received your request for an advisory opinion regarding the sales tax treatment of your client's sales of service pricing guides to automobile dealerships. We find that the sale of pricing guides to dealerships in Utah is subject to sales tax, regardless of whether the guide is delivered in the form of a book or in the form of software on disks or tape.


In Utah, charges for designing custom software are not taxable. However, the sale of computer generated output is subject to sales and use tax if the primary object of the sale is the output and not the programming services. From your description, your client appears to be selling the pricing guide, not programming services. Therefore, sale of the pricing guide is taxable. Monthly charges for sales of updated guides are also taxable.


The initial consultation, database development and installation are each component parts of the final taxable item, even if performed via telephone or satellite. Therefore, all charges associated with the service pricing guide are subject to sales tax.


Please let us know if you have additional questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
