
Response January 26, 1996




January 23, 1996


XXXXX from XXXXX City called and indicated that a new counsel member has requested a copy of the distribution reports from her to view. She has refused his request as he has no dealings with the report in his offical capacity nor does he have any financial responsibility. She is requesting a written opinion on this matter.


This report is a protected record and is to be used for official use only. This is outlined in 59-1-403.


Could you write an opinion and fax it to XXXXX? Her fax is XXXXX, her phone number is XXXXX, and her address is:




If you have any questions, please call me at XXXXX. Thanks !



January 26, 1996




RE: Advisory Opinion - Disclosure of information gained from tax returns




We have received your request for information regarding the release of financial information that is distributed to the city on sales tax distribution reports. We find as follows:


Under section 59-1-403, a city official is prohibited from disclosing any information gained from tax returns. since the information contained in a sales tax distribution report is obtained from sales tax returns, it is confidential.


The sales tax report is distributed to the city for the very limited purpose of allowing the city to verify that the Commission is correctly distributing sales and use tax revenues. See §59-12-210 (1) Utah Code Ann. If the city wishes to access the information for any other purpose, the city's chief executive officer or designee must submit a written request to the Commission specifying how the information will be used. 59-12-210 (2).


When we send sales tax reports to your city, we assume that the report will be used only by the employee or employees who have responsibility for verifying our collection processes. Other city employees or city officials should direct their requests for information through the city administrator to the Tax Commission.


Please let us know if you have further questions.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
