
Response January 16, 1996



December 11, 1995




Within the last 6 months a consulting firm was established in the State of Utah. We have contacted the Tax Commission with regard to the tax status for consulting firms and have found that there is not an area in which consulting firms are specifically described. We were told that it falls under the category of professional services and as such is not subject to certain taxes.


We want to be certain that we follow the appropriate tax procedures for consulting firms but are not sure exactly what they might be. If you would be so kind as to put into letter form what if any taxes apply to consulting firms and the correct method to handle them, we would be most appreciative.


The firm provides professional assistance to companies and governments in the form of facilitation of projects and meetings, training of personnel at all levels, strategic planning, reorganization of companies and governments, and executive and supervisory leadership training. We provide no physical items for sale or resale.


We appreciate your efforts in answering our questions and look forward to your letter.





January 16, 1996




RE: Advisory Opinion - Taxability of consulting services.




We have received your request for sales tax information pertaining to charges for consulting and we find as follows:


Charges for consulting services are not subject to sales tax. Marketing plans, financial statements and like documents developed in the course of consultation are considered incidental to the professional service rendered and they are not taxable. However, if your firm sells books, training materials, videos or like tangible property, charges for those items are subject to sales tax.


Your letter indicates that your firm provides only consulting services and that it does not provide training manuals or other tangible items to your clients. Therefore, charges to your clients are not taxable.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
