
Response January 11, 1996





January 11, 1996



Customer Service Division

Utah State Tax Commission


RE: Advisory Opinion - Income Tax Prepayment Requirements




We received a request from the Technical Research Unit to clarify the Commission's position regarding penalties associated with individual income tax filing extensions. Specifically, the issue is this: Is a taxpayer required to make prepayment of taxes to secure an extension and avoid the extension penalty if the taxpayer had no Utah tax liability for the previous year?


We find as follows:


Sections 59-10-515 and 59-1-401(4)(a) discuss extensions and extension penalties. The Commission interprets that section to mean that the taxpayer requesting an extension must make the required prepayment. To avoid the extension period penalty of 2% per month, the prepayment must be 90% of the total tax reported on the income tax return when it is filed

or 100% of the total amount that the taxpayer paid the previous year.


If a taxpayer had no Utah tax liability for the previous year, the taxpayer need not make a prepayment in order to satisfy these requirements (100% of $ 0.00 is $ 0.00). Therefore, a taxpayer who had no Utah tax liability for the previous year is entitled to an extension without prepayment and without the extension penalty.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
