
August 29, 1995




May 8, 1995



Utah State Tax Commission

160 East 3rd Street - South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134-3330




We are seeking a letter ruling as to your state’s sales and use tax treatment on the sales of direct to home (DTH) satellite services by our clients, XXXXX (XXXXX) and the XXXXX (XXXXX). Fore reference purposes, we are enclosing a copy of your department’s response to our request for a nonbinding letter ruling.


The relevant facts of our client’s operations, as previously submitted on a no name basis, are discussed below:






Both XXXXX and XXXXX are planning to offer direct to home (DTH) satellite television services to end-users (consumers), some of which may be located in your state. DTH services will provide the end-user with up to 150 channels of programing. The services will include basic network channels, pay per view movies, concerts, sporting events as well as other commercial supported programming.


Operational Aspects


The operational aspects of XXXXX’s and XXXXX’s DTH services are as follows:


Satellites, located above the continental United States will receive signals and then broadcast the signals to the end-users throughout the continental United States. The transmissions to the satellites will originate from earth stations located in jurisdictions other than your state. In some instances, such as live sporting events or concerts, our client or a third party may initiate programming from a location within or outside your state, transmit it to a primary earth station, format it and transmit to the satellites for broadcast to the customers.


The customer will receive the DTH service through a receiver/decoder system. This system consists of a satellite dish antenna, a set top receiver/decoder unit and a remote control which are purchased from retailers. Included with the set top receiver/decoder is a removable “access card” encoded with the information necessary to descramble the programing which the consumer purchases or subscribes. Neither XXXXX nor XXXXX will own or lease the satellite dish antenna, set top receiver/decoder unit or the “access card.” The equipment will be the property of the consumer. The access card will remain the property of an unrelated third party.


Independent parties have been given a licence to manufacture the satellite receiver/decoder system and it will bear the manufacturer’s name. The manufacturer and XXXXX or XXXXX will jointly market the service. XXXXX and XXXXX will have independent representatives marketing and soliciting on their behalf. Also, they may from time to time have employees marketing in your state.




As discussed earlier, the programming will consist of basic and premium network channels, pay per view, etc., and in some locations network programming. The consumer may elect to purchase pay per view programs (movies, sports, concerts, etc.), a package of scheduled programming (i.e., basic and premium network channels), or a combination thereof.


The consumer may order pay per view programming utilizing a remote control, or contact XXXXX or XXXXX for each program purchased.




The consumer will be billed on a monthly basis. The access card, on an embedded chip, will contain consumer information and may include certain services purchased during the billing cycle. The receiver/decoder will in most cases be connected to a telephone line. In those cases, at a prescribed time and date the access card will call the information center at the expense of our client. The information concerning the services purchased during the billing cycle will then be extracted from the access card. An unrelated third party has been engaged to generate and send the invoices to all subscribers.




Utah imposes sales and use tax on sales of tangible personal property and specified services, which include intrastate telephone and telegraph services [Utah Code Annotated S9-12- 103(4)(b)].


A “telephone service” is defined as the transmission for hire of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, messages, data or other information of any nature by wire, radio, light waves, or other electromagnetic means [Utah Code Annotated R865-19-90S].


While the Utah Code Annotated does impose tax on telephone services, there are no provisions addressing DTH services or cable television services. DTH services do not meet the definition of a telephone service. Under the Utah Code Annotated, only specifically enumerated services are subject to sales and use tax.




The sales of DTH services are not specifically enumerated in the Utah Sales and Use Tax Code. Additionally, DTH services do not meet the definition of taxable telephone and telegraph services, because they are not a telephone service, nor are they considered a conduit of two-way communication. Finally, DTH services are not intrastate, since a majority of the services originate outside the State of Utah. Based upon the above analysis, XXXXX’s and XXXXX’s DTH services are not subject to sales and use tax within the State of Utah.




1. What is the state’s sales and use tax treatment of XXXXX’s and XXXXX’s sales of direct to home programming to customers located in your state as described in the statement of facts as presented?


2. Are there any other state taxes which may be applicable to our clients?


Due to the fact that our clients are expected to begin business in the near future, we respectfully request a response to this inquiry as soon as possible. Should you have any questions nor desire further clarification as to the activities of our clients, please contact XXXXX at XXXXX or XXXXX at XXXXX.


Very Truly Yours,






August 29, 1995




RE: Advisory Opinion - Application of sales tax to direct home satellite services.


We have received your request for an advisory opinion regarding the application of sales tax to the satellite services sold in Utah by your client, XXXXX. The state legislature has commissioned a study to address tax issues arising around all telecommunication services. We expect that the study will result in legislative changes that will impact your client’s operations, but those changes may be more than a year in the future. In the meantime, we offer you the following guidance based on our interpretation of current sales tax laws.


Section 59-12-103 (1)(b)(ii) imposes sales tax on intrastate telephone service. Telephone service is defined to include various types of transmissions by wire, light waves or electromagnetic means. Utah Administrative Rule R865-19S-103. Although the language of the rule seems to encompass satellite transmissions, we have interpreted the rule narrowly to include only telephone, not television, service. On that basis, we have advised satellite transmissions to their companies that direct satellite transmissions to their customers are not taxable transactions.


Please let us know if we can be of any other service.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
