
Response July 12, 1995




April 27, 1995


Utah State Tax Commission

210 North 1950 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Re: Non-Applicability of Gross Receipts Tax To XXXXX and its Members


Dear Commissioners:


During the 1995 General Session, the Utah legislature enacted S.B. 254 imposing a gross receipts tax on electrical corporations “subject to rate regulation by the Public Service Commission of the state of Utah.” U.C.A. §59-8a-103(1)(a)(ii). As the Commission is aware, neither XXXXX nor it member cooperatives are subject to “rate regulation” by the PSC.


Because XXXXX only sales of electricity are to its member cooperatives, it is a “wholesales electrical cooperative’ specifically excluded from PSC rate regulation by U.C.A. §54-4-1.1:


The [public service] commission does not have the authority under the provisions of this title to regulate, fix, or otherwise approve or establish the rates, fares, tolls or charges of a wholesale electrical cooperative.


XXXXX member cooperative distribute electricity to their members and the public within their service areas “at cost” as determined by their respective boards of directors. Although the rates established by the boards to cover the cooperatives costs of service are filed with the PSC as “tariffs,” the jurisdiction of the PSC is limited to making “the tariffs available for public inspection.” U.C.A. §54-7-12(6)(d). Like XXXXX, the members cooperative have historically been and continue to be excluded from any “rate regulation” by the PSC.


This letter confirms our discussions with member of the Commission, the PSC, and the sponsor of S.B. 254 during the general session regarding the non-applicability of the new gross receipts tax to either XXXXX or its member cooperatives. Because S.B. 254 was an act relating to revenue and taxation, not an act to expand the jurisdiction of the PSC, nothing in the act subjects either XXXXX or its member cooperatives to rate regulation by the PSC or the new gross receipts tax.


Your confirmation or our interpretation of S.B. 254 through an advisory letter opinion will be sincerely appreciated.


Very truly yours,





May 31, 1995


RE: Advisory opinion on whether electrical cooperatives are subject to the newly enacted gross receipts tax


In your XXXXX letter, you requested an advisory opinion as to whether electrical cooperatives are subject to the the newly enacted gross receipts tax enacted by the Utah State Legislature in 1995 (S.B. 254).


Our research indicates as follows:


Based upon Commission participation in various meetings where the gross receipts tax on rate- regulated electrical utilities was discussed, it is the Commissioner’s position that only investor- owned electrical utilities are subject to the tax. Discussions with XXXXX of the Public Service Commission also indicate that the PSC does not consider electrical cooperatives to be “rate- regulated.”


Therefore the Utah State Tax Commission concurs with the position outlines in your XXXXX. The newly enacted gross receipts tax will not apply to electrical cooperatives.


This opinion is based upon the facts presented in your letter. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgement and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.




Roger Tew, Commissioner





This letter is in response to your letter of XXXXX. You have requested an official Commission position as to whether electrical cooperatives are subject to the newly enacted gross receipts tax enacted by the Utah State Legislature in 1995 (S.B. 254).


Based upon Commission participation in various legislative meetings where the gross receipts tax on rate-regulated electrical utilities was discussed, it is the Commission’s position that only investor-owned electrical utilities are subject to the tax. Discussions with XXXXX of the Public Service Commission also indicated that the PSC does not consider electrical cooperatives to be “rate-regulated.”


Therefore, it is Utah State Tax Commission concurs with the position outlined in your April 27, 1005 letter. The newly enacted gross receipts will not apply to electrical cooperatives.