
Response February 28, 1995




December 14, 1994


Utah State Tax Commission

Office of the Commissioners

210 North 1950 West 4th Floor

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


RE: Request for Advisory Opinion


Dear Commissioners:


Please accept this letter as a request for an advisory opinion relating to sales tax under the following circumstances:


A corporation purchases advertising display boards (approximate size 4' X 6') and leases them to colleges, and other institutions of higher education. The advertising boards are attached to the wall in a building designated by the lessee. The advertising boards are never sold to the user. If the user doesn't renew the lease, the lessor corporation removes the board from the lessees premises and takes possession of it.


In my opinion, the major question is if the display boards would be considered as a lease of real property or of tangible personal property. My understanding would be that if the boards are considered real property, the corporation should pay sales tax when they initially purchase the boards and charge no tax as part of the lease payments. If the boards are considered tangible personal property, the corporation would pay no sales tax at the time of purchase, but would collect sales tax as a part of each lease payment.


My client is comfortable in handling the sales tax in either manner, I wanted to get the Tax Commission’s opinion to insure that I instruct them correctly. If additional information is required please contact me at the number shown below.








February 28, 1995


Re: Advisory Opinion -- Sales Tax on Leases of Advertising Display Boards




You requested an advisory opinion as to how sales tax applies to transactions involving 4' X 6' advertising display boards which are leased to colleges and other institutions of higher education.


Our research indicates as follows:


1. Such advertising display boards, whether or not attached to the realty, are considered as tangible personal property when leased as described in your letter.


2. Consequently, your client should purchase the boards tax free for resale and collect tax on each periodic lease payment as indicated in Administrative Rule R865-19S-32.


This opinion is based upon the facts presented in your letter. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgement and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


For The Commission


Alice Shearer
