
Response June 22, 1994




February 11, 1994


Utah State Tax Commission

Attn: Commissioner Shearer

160 East 300 South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


Dear Shearer:


XXXXX is a tax consulting firm providing services to companies on sales, use and property tax. Often times, we must represent our clients when requesting information from the State tax Commission. today we ask that XXXXX Company be granted the ability to take possession to their interstate XXXXX inside the state and remain exempt from sales and use lax.


As you may know, XXXXX is engaged in interstate commerce and is part of a interstate chain running from XXXXX and eventually into XXXXX and VIA other routes into XXXXX. XXXXX is licensed with the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) under 49 USC 10901 and regulated by the ICC under 49 USC 10501. Moreover, XXXXX would normally be exempt under TC-767 if delivery was taken outside of the state. Ownership change of its XXXXX is scheduled to take place fairly soon; however, XXXXX may not be able to exchange ownership in another state. lt is our understanding that trucking companies are able to take possession in the state while remaining exempt, pursuant to R8965-19-97S. In accordance with 59-210 and 59-12-104(12) it is further understood the commission has the ability to grant our client the same exemption available to tucking companies under R865-19-97S. With this in mind, we request the XXXXX State Tax Commission allow our client, XXXXX, to take delivery of their XXXXX within the state without being subject to taxation.


We realize that the tax commission is currently working on this issue and we are confident that the rule will be applied fairly to all interstate businesses. I understand that you are busy at this time, however, our client's scheduled exchange of ownership is imminent. l would greatly appreciate a response before the first week of XXXXX. Thank you for your time and energy. If you have any questions or concerns please call me at XXXXX.







June 22, 1994


Re: Advisory Opinion - Application of Tax Commission Administrative Rule R865-19-97S to Railroad Locomotives




Your request (copy attached) for an advisory opinion as to whether acquisitions of railroad locomotives may be exempted from the sales tax under conditions similar to the treatment of trucks, trailers, etc. pursuant to Rule R865-19-97S was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis.


The division's staff recommendations are as follows:


1. Administrative Rule R865-19-97S, as currently written, applies only to the “purchase of a truck, trailer, tractor, or tractor-trailer combination.”


2. Railway locomotives are excluded from the referenced exemption. If delivery of the locomotives takes place in Utah, the transaction will be subject to the tax.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
