




June 28, 1993



Utah State Tax Commission

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Re: Tax Bulletin 13-93-V




We are in receipt of the above referenced tax bulletin. After reviewing the bulletin we have determined that we fall under the public utility provision of the new law. Therefore we will proceed in obtaining new sales tax exemption certificates from our religious and charitable institution clients.


We will continue to not charge sales tax to our clients that are exempt, who have provided new certificates. We are a long distance phone service provider which we consider to be a public utility based on information received from the state.


If the actions we are taking are not appropriate, I would appreciate a letter explaining the action we should take. I appreciate your help in this matter and your prompt response would be appreciated.





July 13,1993


Utah State Tax Commission

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Dear Commission:


I submitted a letter dated XXXXX requesting a clarification of Tax Bulletin 12-93-V. Based on my discussions with XXXXX, he determined that we did not qualify as a public utility as defined under provisions of the tax bulletin.


I am now asking that the commission review this interpretation of the bulletin. The initial decision was based on the Public Service Commissions definition of a public utility which doesn't cover long distance resellers, like ourselves, but does cover the major carriers (XXXXX, XXXXX and XXXXX). At one time we were regulated by the XXXXX but they decided that resellers were no longer going to be regulated by them since we resold services from a regulated company. To require resellers of long distance phone services to start charging sales tax to our religious and charitable institutions clients puts us at a competitive disadvantage with the other long distance companies who qualify under the XXXXX definition. These clients will not want to pay the tax to us and then apply for a refund when they could select XXXXX and not be charged taxes. We provide the same services as the large carriers and compete directly against them. Therefore, we should be entitled to the same treatment under Tax Bulletin 13-93-V.


XXXXX is a Utah based company who employ's in excess of 100 people and serves a significant number of clients who are currently sales tax exempt. To force us to charge these companies taxes would result in a significant loss of revenue to our company and confusion to the customer. We feel that the intent of the law change was to exempt all public utilities not just the large ones.


I would appreciate a review of this matter by the Commission and a directive issued which allows all company's providing public utilities to be exempt under provisions of the Tax Bulletin 13-93-V.


Your prompt decision to the above request would help in implementing what ever changes are necessary based on you decision.







July 28, 1993




Re: Advisory Opinion - Collection of Sales Tax From Religious and Charitable Organizations




Your request for an advisory opinion as to whether you are exempt from collecting sales tax from religious and charitable organizations based on Utah Code Section 59-12-104.1(2)(iii)(B) was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis.


The division’s recommendation is as follows:


Utah Code section 59-12-104.1(2)(iii)(B) allows a religious or charitable organization to make purchases without paying sales tax at the point of sale if the purchase is from a public utility as defined in Utah Code Section 54-2-1.


XXXXX does not qualify as a public utility as defined in Utah Code Section 54-2-1. However in our opinion the intent of section 59-12-104.1 was to relieve vendors from the burden of documenting exempt sales to religious and charitable organizations. Since XXXXX (the vendor) operates similarly to a public utility and is willing to assume the responsibility for documenting exempt sales to exempt organizations they should not be required to collect sales tax from their exempt customers.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter we are in agreement with the Auditing Division’s recommendation. Obviously if there are deviations from these facts this opinion may be negated.


In contacting the Tax Commission, if special accommodations are needed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act please call (801) 530-6920 (801) 530-6077 or TDD (801) 530-6269 allowing three working days notice.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco
