
Responses June 30, 1993 and September 2, 1993




April 13, 1993






Thank you for taking time to meet with me today on behalf of my client to discuss oil severance taxes. My client is exploring the feasibility of new technologies applicable to the clean-up of waste oil pits and evaporation ponds in the oil producing areas of Utah. As you know the Utah State Department of Oil & Gas has mandated the clean up of all unlined pits and ponds. My clients interest is determining the impact of any severance tax which may be applicable to any salable crude oils which may be recovered by the new high technology process they have developed. In their analysis of the economics of their systems, it is important to include the impact of any taxes and or permits which may be required for their pilot operations being planned for the very near future in the XXXXX County area.


As we discussed in our meeting today your review of the pertinent tax statutes indicates that there would be no tax applicable to the proposed operations, as they have been outlined to you. I would appreciate your written confirmation and verification that there would be no taxes applicable to the recovered oils derived from the clean up of existing waste oil pits.


Thank you and XXXXX again for your interest in our project and the time you have given me today. I will keep you informed of our progress, and advise you if there is any additional information we need, or any changes in the operations proposed from those discussed today.


Sincerely yours,




Enclosure: April 13 Letter

May 4, 1993


Mr. R. H. Hansen - Chairman

Utah State Tax Commission

Heber Wells Building

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


Dear Mr. Hansen:


I met with XXXXX and XXXXX on XXXXX to discuss potential impacts of severance taxes. The meeting was on behalf of my client, XXXXX who is evaluating new technologies for clean up of waste oil pits and evaporation ponds in the oil producing areas of Utah. The intent of our meeting was to determine if severance taxes would apply to salable crude which may be recovered by the process they have developed. I have enclosed a copy of my letter of XXXXX to XXXXX requesting written verification of his auditory opinion expressed in that meeting that there would be no severance tax applicable to the crude recovered in the proposed operation. XXXXX has advised me that such a letter can only come from the Commission upon their review of the specific proposed operation.


I will attempt therefore to provide a brief summary of the operation proposed, for your information. XXXXX has developed a new high tech method of cleaning up waste oil pits and ponds. This process removes all noxious or hazardous waste materials from the oils, and recovers some clean crude oils, and water which may be returned to the surface waters for use in agriculture and or aquatic wildlife habitat such as streams or lakes. The well owner/operators paid severance taxes when the oil was produced and sold. The waste oils were generated as part of the process of removing the water from the crude sold to meet refinery specifications.


As noted in my letter to XXXXX and in our discussion, the clean up of these pits and ponds has been mandated by the department of XXXXX. The system used by XXXXX is proprietary with patents pending, and is successful in the required clean up of these waste oil pits to meet or exceed all Federal and State standards.


Thank you for the opportunity to provide this information for your review. Due to the short summer during which these operations can be conducted and the very high cost of building and siting this equipment on location. We sincerely appreciate the earliest response possible.


I will be happy to meet with you and/or such members of your staff as is appropriate to provide any additional information necessary.


Sincerely yours,





June 30, 1993




Re: Advisory Opinion -- Oil and Gas Severance Tax Applicability to Crude Oil from Waste Oil Pits and Evaporation Ponds




Your request (XXXXX letter, copy attached) for an advisory opinion asking whether severance taxes are due on crude oil obtained from the clean-up of waste oil pits and evaporation ponds was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis.


For further clarification, on XXXXX, XXXXX, Supervisor of XXXXX, and XXXXX, Auditor, met with you to discuss this question. During this conversation, it was determined that the company removing (cleaning up) the wastes from these pits is not the operator and/or interest owner. Additionally, the company would not pay the operator and/or interest owner for the removal of the wastes. The company cleaning up these wastes (XXXXX), would either be given the waste products from the pits and the ponds or receive a nominal payment for removal of the wastes.


The divisions' staff recommendations are as follows:


1. Utah Code Annotated Section 59-5-102 states that every person owning an interest, working interest, royalty interest, payments out of production, or any other interest, in oil or gas produced from a well in the state shall pay severance tax. The auditing division has concluded that no severance tax would be due on any of the salvable crude oil from these waste pits and evaporation ponds for the following reasons:


a. XXXXX is not an operator or interest owner in the wells which would included the waste pits and evaporation ponds.


b. The operator/interest owner would either give the waste products from the pits and ponds to XXXXX or pay them a nominal amount to remove these wastes.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter and the meeting with the auditing division, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations form these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The result of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of rights are attached.


In contacting the Tax Commission, if special accommodations are needed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call (801) 530-6920, (801) 530-6077 or TDD (801) 530-6269 allowing three working days notice.


For the Commission,


Joe. B Pacheco


September 2, 1993




Re: Advisory Opinion - Oil and Gas Severance Tax Applicability to Crude Oil from Waste Oil Pits and Evaporation Ponds




Your request for an advisory opinion asking whether severance taxes are due on crude oil obtained from the clean-up of waste oil pits and evaporation ponds was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis.


The divisions' staff recommendation is as follows:


No severance tax would be due on any of the waste crude oil from these waste pits and evaporation ponds because XXXXX is not an operator or interest owner in any of the wells that the waste oil came from. The waste oil was originally removed from the production stream as waste and not a salable product.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter and the meeting with the Auditing Division, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations form these facts, this opinion may be negated.


For the Commission,


Alice Shearer
