
Response February 5, 1993



February 5, 1993




Re: Advisory Opinion - Sales Tax on Purchases Using XXXXX




Your request for an advisory opinion as to whether XXXXX may take advantage of its sales tax exemption when making credit card purchases was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis.


It is the division staff recommendation that:


1. The Utah statutes and Tax Commission Administrative Rules R865-19-42S and R865-19-54S (copies attached) recognize a sales tax exemption for purchases made by your city.


2. As noted in Rule R865-19-54(C)(8), sales to officers or employees of exempt instrumentalities are taxable.


3. Rule R865-19-42S indicates that if the sale "is paid for by a warrant drawn upon the state treasurer or the official disbursing agent of any political subdivision, the sale is considered as being made to the state of Utah or its political subdivisions and exempt from tax."


4. Administrative Rule R865-19-23S (copy attached) describes the documentation a seller must retain in order to verify the nontaxable status of exempt sales. For sales to qualified government agencies, the rule indicates "the vendor must keep a purchases order or other acceptable evidence of exemption such as a copy of a check or voucher." Since the seller does not see the actual payment in the case of a credit card purchase, the use of the credit card creates a verification problem for the seller.


5. Nevertheless, purchases made with the credit card used as the description in your letter outlines, are properly exempt from the tax. Since, up to this point, only one credit card has been approved by this agency (see Tax Bulletin 6-89 attached) for use in charging hotel/motel accommodations, you should expect some difficulty with motels accepting the credit card for exempt purchases. You may provide them with a copy of this Advisory Opinion to alleviate the hesitancy you may encounter.


Based on the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgement and a be appealable to the Utah State Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


In contacting the Tax Commission, if special accommodations are needed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call (801) 530-6920, (801) 530-6077 or TDD (801) 530-6269 allowing three working days notice.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco


December 4, 1992


Hal Hansen

Commission Chairman

Utah State Tax Commission

Heber M. Wells Building

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


[RE: Seeking as Advisory Opinion Letter - Tax exempt credit card purchases]


Dear Chairman Hansen,


Following the advice of the Sales Tax Division, we are writing this letter. We are seeking an "Advisory Opinion Letter." The XXXXX charges hotel rooms to a "city" credit card. (XXXXX) The city receives the Credit Card bill directly. The city pays the credit card bill directly. It has been our experience in the past that sales tax was charged to us for such purchases. The Sales Tax Division suggested we obtain an "Advisory Opinion Letter" to allow a tax exempt status for such purchases.


We would appreciate a your opinion on this issue.


Thank you.



Finance Director/Recorder