
Response October 12, 1992



October 12, 1992



Tax Consultant


Re: Noncommercial Use of Fuels and Electricity




Your request for an advisory opinion regarding whether the term "manufacturing" contained in rule R865-19-35S means those activities which fall under SIC coded 2000 through 3999 has been referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis. It is the division staff recommendation that:


1. Although rule 35S does not contain a requirement that manufacturing activities fall within the SIC codes 2000 to 3999, it is reasonable to conclude that if an activity does fall within those SIC codes they are entitled to exemption from sales tax on fuel and electricity providing the predominant use test is met.


2. The activity of producing prepackaged software under SIC code 7372 is not considered manufacturing or producing or compounding of a product which will be resold. That activity is deemed to be a professional service.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


To arrange for Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, please contact the Tax Commission at (801) 530-6920, (801) 530-6077 or TDD (801) 530-6269 allowing three working days notice.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco


September 14, 1992


Joe Pacheco, Commissioner

Utah State Tax Commissioner

160 East 300 South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


Re: R865-19-35S


Dear Commissioner,


The above mentioned rule states in part the following:


B. "Noncommercial consumption" is defined as fuel used in:


3. use in manufacturing tangible personal property or use in producing or compounding of a product which will be resold.


Does the term "manufacturing" as used here mean those activities which fall under the SIC codes 2000 thru 3999.


Does the second part of paragraph 3 (or use in producing or compounding of a product which will be resold) refer to products not referred to in SIC codes 2000 thru 3999 such as 'Prepackaged Software' under 7372.


Thank you for your help in this matter.

