
Response August 12, 1992



August 12, 1992




Re: Drop Shipment Sales




Your request for an advisory opinion on the taxability of third party drop shipment sales into Utah was referred to the Auditing Division for their analysis. It is the division staff recommendation that:


1. The seller corporation is not required to bill Utah tax on a sale, for resale, to an out-of-state purchaser even though the seller corporation drop ships product to a third party in Utah.


2. The seller corporation should accept an exemption certificate from the out-of-state purchaser containing the out-of-state resale number.


3. Utah law does not provide for "direct pay" permits.


4. The seller corporation should not bill the out-of-state resale purchaser sales tax. The in-state third party is responsible to report and pay use tax directly to the Tax Commission.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


To arrange for Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, please contact the Tax Commission at (801) 530-6920, (801) 530-6077 or TDD (801) 530-6269 allowing three working days notice.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco




July 21, 1992



Managing Auditor

State Tax Commission

160 East Third South

5th Floor

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Per our conversation, I am faxing a copy of the letter sent on March 10, 1992. If you could respond at your earliest convenience, it would be greatly appreciated. Please fax a response to me at XXXXX or mail it to the address below.


Thank you so much for your assistance in this matter. If you require any further information please feel free to contact me at XXXXX Ext. XXXXX. Thank you again and I look forward to your reply.





Research Tax Analyst

July 21, 1992


XXXXX. is a publisher of information related to sales and use taxes. Recently, there have been numerous questions and concerns related to the issue of drop shipments.


In that regard, we have summarized those issues into several questions pertaining to drop shipment transactions. We would appreciate your department's position as to the applicability of tax and the proper documentation that is required.






The Seller Corporation is registered to collect sales and use taxes in your state. The Seller Corporation accepts orders from out-of-state purchasers.


Out of State Purchaser


The out-of state purchasers have no nexus in your state and are not registered to collect your state's sales or use tax.


They place orders with the Seller Corporation in your state and direct the Seller Corporation to ship the items purchased to a Third Party Corporation located in your state.


Third Party


The Third Party Corporation is registered in your state to collect sales and use taxes.


The Third Party Corporation receives the goods shipped by the Seller Corporation (as directed by the out-of-state Purchaser Corporation).


Billing Procedures


The Seller Corporation bills the out-of-state Purchaser Corporation for the price of the goods that were delivered in-state to the Third Party Corporation.


The out-of-state Purchaser Corporation (who resells the items purchased from Seller Corporation) subsequently bills the Third Party Corporation for the price of the goods.




The following questions deal with the acceptability of documentation necessary to support an exempt sales transaction where the Seller Corporation is selling goods to an out-of-state purchaser but delivering the property to an in-state third party tax explained above).


1) Is the Seller Corporation responsible for billing your state's sales tax on goods sold to an out-of-state purchaser but delivered to an in-state third party?


2) Can the Seller corporation accept a valid resale exemption certificate from the out-of-state Purchaser Corporation? The exemption certificate provided by the Purchaser Corporation is from the Purchaser Corporation's home state.


3) Can the Seller Corporation accept a valid Direct Pay Certificate from the out-of-state Purchaser Corporation? The direct pay certificate provided by the Purchaser Corporation is from the Purchaser Corporation's home state.


4) If the Seller Corporation does bill the Purchaser Corporation your state's sales tax when the goods are delivered to the Third Party, must the Third Party Corporation also self-accrue use tax on the same goods when the Purchaser Corporation subsequently bills the Third Party Corporation for these items?


We appreciate your time and effort in providing information that will be used to clarify this difficult transaction.


Very truly yours,