
Response June 30, 1992



June 30, 1992




Re: Third Party Drop Shipments




This letter is in response to your recent request for a Tax Commission ruling to determine the taxability of third party drop shipment sales and the documentation the seller is required to keep.


The Tax Commission policy is to refer such requests to the division most qualified to analyze the request and make recommendations concerning it. As such, your request was referred to the Tax Commission's Auditing Division for their analysis and recommendations. The division's recommendations are as follows:


1. The Taxpayer's sale to a wholesaler (W) is not subject to sales tax. It is a sale for "resale."


2. The taxpayer should have a sales tax exemption certificate from the wholesaler.


3. Utah will accept an exemption certificate with another states' registration number on it for third party drop shipment sales.


4. A contract between the taxpayer and a manufacturer or distributor is not an acceptable replacement for a sales tax exemption certificate.


5. It does not make a difference if the third party customer is an exempt entity. The transaction is between the taxpayer and his wholesaler (W).


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco


June 18, 1992


Utah State Tax Commission


Managing Auditor

160 E. Third So., 5th Floor

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


SUBJECT: Third Party Drop-Shipments.




We request written documentation for the proper Sales & Use Tax treatment for the following situation, in order to exempt the sale from tax:


XXXXX(Taxpayer), a computer printer manufacturer and wholesaler, is registered to collect tax in your state.


Taxpayer sold a printer to wholesaler, W (not registered nor resident in your state). Taxpayer, upon instructions from W, shipped the printer to C, a customer of W, located in your state. W is registered to collect tax only in its home state, which is not your state. The sales order was accepted outside your state and shipped FOB origin at Taxpayer’s plant located outside your state.


1) Is the taxpayer sale to W considered a sale subject to sales tax in your state?


2) If the taxpayer sale to W is taxable in your state, what documents are necessary to exempt the sale from tax?


3) If W provides a Resale Certificate with its home (or another) state registration number on it, will your state accept the certificate?


The nature of taxpayer's business is such that 75% of total sales are made to either original equipment manufacturers (OEM) or distributor resellers, who purchase taxpayer product under contract for re-sale. Is this taxpayer contract with reseller an acceptable alternative document to exempt the sale from tax?


5) Does it make a difference if C is an "exempt by nature" entity, such as the Federal government?


Please forward your written response at your earliest convenience to my attention.





Tax Administrator