
Response July 10, 1992




July 10, 1992




Re: Declaratory Judgment, Manufacturer's Machinery Exemption




This letter is in response to your recent request for the Tax Commission to issue a declaratory judgment that your intended machinery and equipment purchases qualify for exemption from sales or use tax under the provisions of Utah Code Section 59-12-104(15) and Administrative Rule R865-19-85S.


Although your inquiry was framed as a request for a declaratory judgment, Tax Commission policy is to initially treat all such inquiries as requests for advisory opinions. As such, it was referred to the Tax Commission's Auditing Division for their analysis and recommendation. The division's recommendations are as follows:


1. Disposable Pressure Probe - $$$$$, seven year life. The acquisition of this machinery is for the production of a new product line and will require hiring seven new machine operators. This acquisition is eligible for sales or use tax exemption.


2. Insyte Extrusion - $$$$$, six year life. The acquisition of this machinery will allow XXXXX to produce tubing which was previously manufactured in XXXXX, Ohio. The Utah labor force will be increased. This acquisition is eligible for sales or use tax exemption.


3. Split-Second Equipment and Tooling - $$$$$, five year life. The purchase of replacement machinery does not qualify for exemption, even though the replacement machinery will increase production or capacity. This machinery will replace prototype equipment developed to introduce the Split-Second product to the market and will not qualify for exemption.


4. Safety Catheter Equipment and Tooling - $$$$$, two year life. Machinery and equipment with a useful economic and/or accounting life of less than three years is not eligible for the exemption. It appears this equipment will be used beyond the two year life because the program will expand and require 30 plus people. The exemption will apply.


5. Single Lumen Safedwel Equipment - $$$$$, 5 year life. This equipment will produce a new line of single lumen catheters and will qualify for sales tax exemption.


6. Injection (mold) Press 1083 - $$$$$, ten year life. Four of these presses were purchased at the same time. Three were purchased to replace worn equipment. One of the presses was purchased to create additional capacity. One of the four presses purchased will qualify for exemption and three will not.


7. Insyte Expansion - $$$$$, ten year life. The Insyte equipment purchases will allow XXXXX to increase its manufacturing capacity by 56 million units per year. This acquisition does qualify for sales and use tax exemption.


8. Insyte Straight Adapter Mold - $$$$$, four year life. Two 32 cavity semi-hot runner injection molds will be purchased. One of them will replace old mold number 99 "which is usable only with considerable effort by the mold maintenance staff and the molding production staff.- One of these molds will qualify for exemption and the one purchased to replace mold number 99 will not.


9. Safedwel Multilumen Improvements - $$$$$, five year life. This capital appropriation is for additional equipment to increase XXXXX's share of the market and does qualify for exemption.


10. Insyte-A/Safedwel Plus Tooling - $$$$$, five year life. This equipment will produce two new product lines and will qualify for exemption.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer Bill of Rights are attached.


For the Commission


Joe B. Pacheco


May 19, 1992


Utah State Tax Commission


160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134




In response to your request for additional information relating to our petition for a Declaratory Judgment that specific purchases qualify for sales tax exemption, the following data is provided:


The emphasis for the XXXXX Plant is to move to a Stage 3 manufacturing facility (internally supportive). A four-year facilities master plan will be completed. The plan includes a dedicated batch molding facility for XXXXX, a new tubing extrusion area, simplified material flows, repair facilities close to machines and segregation of XXXXX and XXXXX to support their different manufacturing strategies. Space is reserved for the scale-up of new XXXXX products as they transition from the XXXXX to XXXXX plants. Efforts will continue to improve the safety aspect of the facility. Changes to facility and machinery are planned to reduce noise levels to below 80 decibels.


Existing semi-automated lines will be replaced with fully automated lines to drive manufacturing costs down. One semi-automated line will be held in reserve and used as a "Flexline" for new XXXXX products as they transition from manual Specialty Manufacturing.

Manufacturing will add incremental capacity to support worldwide XXXXX growth while modernizing XXXXX operations. To ensure product dependability we will add capacity in advance of demand and plan surge capability to satisfy unforeseen growth spikes created by our new product concept. Separate and distinct focused manufacturing facilities will be utilized for each portion of our hemodynamic monitoring system.


Capacity for XXXXX will be provided by the XXXXX and XXXXX plants. XXXXX will utilize its four existing lines and will add three additional lines through 1994 to meet projected demands. XXXXX capacity for 1994 will be 100MM units for XXXXX and 31MM units for XXXXX.


Process technology will emphasize cost and dependability for XXXXX; performance and dependability for XXXXX. XXXXX costs will be reduced by replacing manual equipment with automation. Performance and dependability will be enhanced by improving assembly, lubrication and inspection systems. Flexibility will be improved by developing quick changeover systems using new machine designs and Single Minute Exchange of Dies techniques. A computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) program will be developed to facilitate automatic data gathering and process control.


- Bactec Safety-LOC Tooling - $$$$$- We withdraw our request for exemption status for this project.


- Disposable Pressure Probe - $$$$$- The current capital request, CB-2 No. 33-00-40-92, for a total of $$$$$ is earmarked for the installation and ramp-up of a new product line manufacturing setting within the existing XXXXX facility. The requested capital equipment will be the backbone of a new, fully-automated manufacturing plant under the supervision of a yet to be determined Manufacturing Manager. The new plant will employ a minimum of seven (7) machine operators.


This capital is specifically requested for automated assembly machinery, associated hand-assembling tooling, and production test equipment to be used for pressure probe product assembly. Automated equipment is being employed to bring product costs within existing market targets. Future capital equipment will complete the plant facilities and fully-automated assembly line. This manufacturing approach will allow prompt product introduction and market penetration.


After introduction, this new product-line is projected to expand into a family of devices utilizing the same core technology. The product lifetime is estimated at ten years.


- XXXXX Extrusion - $$$$$- This project requests money for the purpose of establishing a production facility in XXXXX, Utah for the extrusion of the XXXXX catheter tubing.


This tubing has previously been produced in XXXXX, Ohio in an XXXXX facility on XXXXX equipment. The successful launch and growth of the product lines supported by the XXXXX tubing as well as FDA Good Manufacturing Practices have dictated that we establish a production operation for this activity. XXXXX, Utah was chosen for this expansion due to the labor force in Utah, available manufacturing square footage at a reasonable rate and or proximity to the largest user of the extruded tubing, XXXXX.


XXXXX tubing will be supplied from this Utah location to all worldwide users of the product. The XXXXX tubing from this new piece of equipment will allow us to expand into new international markets that have previously been unavailable to use.


The funds for this program will be spent in the calendar year XXXXX. The project will complete in XXXXX and the equipment will be useable for at least six years.


-XXXXX Obturator - $$$$$- We withdraw our request for exemption status for this project.


- Split-Second Equipment and Tooling - $$$$$- The equipment and tooling for this program is to replace the prototype equipment developed to introduce the Split-Second product to the market. This is a new product line to XXXXX and will be produced at XXXXX, XXXXX. This product line requires the equivalent of 2-3 full-time employees to produce the annual forecast. The new equipment consists of plastic molding tooling and has a five year life.


- Safety Catheter Equipment and Tooling - $$$$$- This tooling and equipment is for a new product line of catheters with a "stickless" safety feature. The bulk of the capital will be employed to purchase plastic injection molds. The life of the project is two-years at which point the program should expand to where a new request for capital will be required. This program should require 30+ full-time people.


- Single XXXXX Equipment - $$$$$- The equipment required for the single XXXXX is for the introduction of a new line of XXXXX catheters. The project life will be in excess of five years. The equipment consists of plastic injection molds and tipping dies. This product will be sold mainly in Europe where this type of catheter is very popular with the clinicians.


- Injection (Mold) Press 1083 - $$$$$- This request is for the purchase of a fifty ton injection molding press. This press, as opposed to three other presses bought at the same time for replacement of worn equipment, is for new capacity to produce molded parts for the new product lines, XXXXX, XXXXX, and XXXXX. Without this purchase we would not be able to produce molded parts for these new product lines. As a alternative, we would most likely have had to mold the parts at a California molding facility we have identified as our back-up supplier.


These new product lines referenced above represent a significant expansion of our business. XXXXX, for example, will allow us to offer a product that will not permit an accidental needle stick to our customer. This new market opportunity has been created by the HIV virus and AIDS epidemic. The potential for growth in this new product line is significant.


Had we not planned for the introduction of these new product lines we would have had sufficient press time without the purchase of another press. This press is for expansion.


This press will have a ten-year life.


-XXXXX Expansion - $$$$$- The XXXXX Expansion project increases the manufacturing capacity of the XXXXX Plant by 56 million units on an annual basis.


The capital request includes four manufacturing lines, associated molding/extrusion and auxiliary support equipment. Each manufacturing line has a capacity of 14 million units per year.


The life of the manufacturing lines and support equipment will be ten years. An exception will be the computer integrated manufacturing controls which will have a life of four years. The molds will have a life of six years.


-XXXXX Straight Adapter Mold - $$$$$- This request for $$$$$allows us to expand our product line into additional international markets. The funds requested will be used for the purchase of two thirty-two cavity semi-hot runner injection molds. These molds will produce molded parts, adapters, for use on the Insyte produce line and will allow us to address additional international demand. Markets where the most rapid growth of our product line had been exhibited.


We plan to couple this request and resultant capacity increase with the capital request for XXXXX expansion and the purchase of the automatic assembly machines ($$$$$). These molds will double our current capacity to make the Insyte straight adapters. If we do not add this additional capacity then the purchase of the new expansion (automatic assembly machines) will be in vane. We will not be able to supply the needed parts for this new assembly capacity.


These two molds will have a four-year life.


-XXXXX Improvements - $$$$$- This capital appropriation covers molds and leak testers for the improvement of our XXXXX catheter line. The improvements are intended to increase our market share in this business and provide improvements in ease of use and safety for the clinician. The project life will be five years.


-XXXXX Tooling - $$$$$- The capital for equipment requested in this request will purchase plastic injection molds and tooling required for the introduction of two new product lines. The program will require adding 5-8 full-time positions and provide a new product concept to the market. The program will have a five-year life and should double our presence in the current market.





Financial Analyst

February 18, 1992


Utah State Tax Commission

Attn: Commissioner

Heber M. Wells Bldg.

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


RE: Sales and Use Tax Exemption


Please add the following to our letter of January 30, 1992, a copy of which is attached, requesting Sales and Use Tax Exemption for selected XXXXX Projects:




XXXXX Equip. $$$$$ 33-00-32-92

XXXXX Improvements $$$$$ 33-00-31-92

XXXXX Tooling $$$$$ 33-00-30-92




Exempt status for these projects is not being requested for the full amount, but rather that which we have determined is for "new and expanding operations."


Again, if further explanation or documentation is necessary, please contact me at XXXXX. I can meet with you at your convenience, at your office or our location in XXXXX,





Financial Analyst

January 30, 1992


Utah State Tax Commission

Attn: Commissioner

Heber M. Wells Bldg.

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


RE: Sales and Use Tax Exemption


This represents our formal request for a declaratory judgment for Sales and Use Tax Exemption under the exclusion rule provided in 59-12-104 exemptions Utah Tax Code 1991-1992 (Sales and Tax Rule A-12-02-585).


Attached are cover sheets for the nine capital projects for which we are seeking exemption:




XXXXX Safety -XXXXX Tooling $$$$$ 33-00-01-91

Disposable Pressure Probe $$$$$ 33-00-42-91

XXXXX Extrusion $$$$$ 33-00-60-91

XXXXX Obturator $$$$$ 33-00-74-91

XXXXX Tool $$$$$ 33-00-77-91

Injection Mold $$$$$ 33-00-83-91

XXXXX Expansion $$$$$ 33-00-01-92

XXXXX Adapter Mold $$$$$ 33-00-18-92

XXXXX Equip & Tool $$$$$ 33-00-23-92




Should you feel further explanation or documentation is necessary, please contact me at XXXXX. I can meet with you, at your convenience, at your office or our location in XXXXX.





Financial Analyst