




March 9 1992






Commissioner Pacheco has asked me to respond to your letter of February 25, 1992.


Both manufacturers and agricultural producers are entitled to purchase fuels and electricity tax-free. A dairy farmer is an agricultural producer and is not required to have a sales tax number. He should sign the exemption certificate marking the agricultural block where there is no place for a tax number. If service is provided for the dairy operation and a residence through a single meter, the predominant use determines whether tax is due. If predominant use is in the dairy operation, the exemption applies to both uses. It is not required that a second meter be installed.


A dairy processing plant is a manufacturer. They should provide their tax number and mark the block for fuels and electricity. The same predominant use test applies.


The Tax Commission has no jurisdiction in setting electricity rates. Utility companies are regulated by the Public Service Commission and set rates according to prescribed rules.





Managing Auditor

Sales and Use Tax


February 25, 1992


Joe Pacheco

State Tax Commission

Room 514

Heber Wells Building

160 East 300 South

Salt Lake City, UT. 84134


Dear Mr. Pacheco:


Thanks for talking to me today on the phone. Pursuant to that conversation I am sending this correspondence. It appears that the concerns about dairy Sales Tax exemptions are centered around the following questions.


1. Are dairies entitled to Sales Tax exemptions on their utility bills?


2. If both their house and dairy operation are on the same meter do they have to pay to have a second meter wired that covers just the exempt dairy portion of their electrical use?


3. Can an exempt dairy farmer have a residential rate?


4. Which box is checked on the exemption certificate?


Following are the answers we have received to the above questions and our references when possible. We thought we would include them so you might know how we have been approaching it.


1. Dairies are entitled to Sale Tax Exemptions and have been for many years. XXXXX, XXXXX State Tax.


2. There would be no need for the predominate usage ruling (R865-19-35S) if all meters were exclusively one use or the other. Consequently it must be permissible to have two uses, one that is not tax exempt and one that is, on the same meter. Above mentioned State Tax personnel.


3. That would be the concern of the utility and not the taxing authorities. The taxing authorities only determine what taxes do and do not apply. The utility determines what the rates should be.


4. We were instructed by the State Tax people mentioned above to check the "fuels, gas, electricity" box on the Exemption Certificate. However XXXXX has requested that we check the agricultural box.


I would appreciate your evaluation of these questions and look forward to hearing your conclusions.

