

January 31, 1992 Response from Tax Commission

December 23, 1991 Letter from XXXXX of XXXXX, CPA



January 31, 1992




Re: Advisory Opinion -XXXXX


Dear Mr. XXXXX:


This letter is in response to your recent request for a Tax Commission ruling on whether the monthly XXXXX charges are subject to sales or use tax. The charge is for the lease of a computer terminal, the use of XXXXX software and the receipt of XXXXX information. XXXXX's invoice to its customer is a single monthly charge labeled "terminal rental." Tax is collected on the total charge.


The Tax Commission policy is to refer such requests to the division most qualified to analyze the request and make recommendations concerning it. As such, your request was referred to the Tax Commission's Auditing Division for their analysis and recommendations. The division's recommendations are as follows:


1. Utah Code Section 59-12-103(1)(k) imposes sales or use tax on rentals or leases of tangible personal property. XXXXX's rental of a computer terminal and software is taxable.


2. A separate charge to receive information or data via a terminal is not a taxable service. If non-taxable services are separately billed from taxable services or rentals, the non-taxable amount is exempt. Since XXXXX does not distinguish in its billings between hardware, software or information services, the total amount is taxable.


3. The difference in the treatment for XXXXX and XXXXX is that XXXXX furnishes the terminals without rental charge and XXXXX rents the equipment and software.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights and a copy of the Utah Taxpayer's Bill of Rights are attached.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco




December 23, 1991


Utah State Tax Commission

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134

Attn: Mr. Joe Pacheco




Dear Mr. Pacheco:


It has recently come to our attention that the Utah Tax Commission has issued an advisory opinion to XXXXX (XXXXX) stating that XXXXX, providing information to its customers, in a way not unlike XXXXX, would be exempt from charging Utah Sales Tax, but would be liable for Use Tax based on the cost of equipment in use in Utah by its customers.


XXXXX provides numerous forms of financial information and data to customers nationwide, including Utah. Its customers are mostly banks, brokerage organizations and other financial institutions. The information is received by customers from its central mainframe computers in New York by way of electronic impulses transferred interstate over telephone lines. The customer receives the impulses on special equipment that is "leased". The equipment generally consists of a controller which receives the impulses and is attached to the telephone lines, a keyboard which is used to access the database by entering certain commands and a monitor on which the information appears or is displayed. This equipment can be used only for receiving the information, it has no other function or use.


The XXXXX Agreement with its customers refers to "lessor" (XXXXX) and lessee (customer) and states that XXXXX will provide to the lessee the equipment and services described and enumerated (the information and XXXXX software etc.)XXXXX's invoice labels the charge "Terminal Rental" and adds Utah sales tax to the rental. The invoice does not distinguish between hardware, software or information services.


Based on the above, kindly determine the tax liability of the monthly XXXXX charges.


Should additional information be needed, please contact me at the address above.


Very truly yours,