

April 5, 1991 Response from Tax Commission

January 28, 1991 Letter from XXXXX of XXXXX

August 16, 1990 Letter from XXXXX of Tax Commission

July 31, 1990 Letter from XXXXX of XXXXX



April 5, 1991




Dear Mr. XXXXX:


This letter is in response to your recent request for a Tax Commission ruling on which items covered by your service agreements are subject to sales tax.


The Tax Commission policy is to refer such requests to the division most qualified to analyze the request and make recommendations concerning it. As such, your request was referred to the Tax Commission's Auditing Division for their analysis and recommendations. The division's recommendation is as follows:


1. The Utah sales tax law imposes tax on the sale or rental of tangible personal property. Music service is intangible, therefore, not subject to sales tax when separately priced. Tax is due on the sale or lease of equipment and tax is due on the total charge if equipment is furnished and a combined fee is charged for the equipment and the music service.


2. Sales or use tax should not be paid on equipment purchased by XXXXX to be leased to their customers.


Based upon the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgment and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A Notice of Appeal Rights is attached.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco




January 28, 1991



Utah State Tax Commission

160 East 3rd South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Dear Mr. XXXXX:


Thank you for taking the time on the telephone to clarify the sales and use tax questions that we have.


I'm enclosing a copy of our current service agreement for your inspection. In our files we have service agreements which are somewhat different from companies that we have purchased in the past. The enclosed agreement, however, is the one we are currently using.


I am also enclosing a letter dated July 31, 1990 to Mr. XXXXX and his response dated August 16, 1990 with the answers to our July 31, 1990 letter.


The question we have is in regards to "Furnished Equipment" that remains the property of XXXXX.


We have already clarified in the August 16, 1990 letter that the equipment (SCA & DBS receivers) are part of the "service" and the use taxes are to be paid on this equipment as ownership never changes.


We have been taxing the "Furnished Equipment" on a monthly basis. The new contention that has been raised is that this is incorrect and we should pay the "use tax" only. This equipment, like the "service", remains the property of XXXXX for the duration of the Agreement.


We are requesting a written clarification of the law and the guidelines established to ensure that we are in compliance with the State law.


Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated as we are anxious to start the new year by billing all of the State taxes correctly.







August 16, 1990


XXXXX, President



Dear Mr. XXXXX:


In response to your letter of July 31, 1990, the separate charge for receiving a radio signal is not subject to sales tax. There has been no sale of tangible personal property or other service taxed under the statutes.


It is true that where equipment is leased and there is a single charge for equipment and the music signal, the total amount is taxable.


I have processed your claim for refund for tax you collected erroneously from XXXXX, which you should remit to them when received.





Managing Auditor

Sales and Use Taxes


Telephone No. (801)XXXXX



July 31, 1990



State Tax Commission (Audit Division)

Heber M. Wells Building

160 E. 300 S.

Salt Lake City, Utah 84134


We recently received a letter from XXXXX (enclosed) requesting a tax refund with interest because of over collection of the State's sales tax.


We are writing you at the request of Mr. XXXXX and after having a telephone conversation with Mr. XXXXX in your office.


XXXXX is the local XXXXX affiliate and we deliver a music program signal to our subscribers via a private radio signal or via a satellite antenna. The customers may own the equipment, or in many cases, they lease the equipment from us.


Current agreements have the music service fee listed separately from the leased equipment fees. We have been charging taxes on the music fees and equipment lease fees even though they are listed separately on our current service agreement.


Older agreements from previous owners, list the music and equipment as one charge. If this is the case, we have been told previously by your office, that the total amount should be taxed.


The issue that we would like you to clarify is whether or not the music service (XXXXX) should be taxable. Mr. XXXXX, who apparently worked in your office, says XXXXX is like the cable company and should not be taxed.


We are requesting a written clarification of the issue and guidelines established so that we are billing and collecting taxes as they should be.


If you have any questions, then please feel free to call me. As we need to respond to our subscriber's question in a timely manner, your prompt attention will be appreciated. We are also enclosing a claim form that XXXXX sent to us for the refund with interest. If it is correct to refund the money, then please process the form.




