
Response July 3, 1990



July 3, 1990




Re: Manufacturer's Sales Tax Exemption




This letter is in response to your May 9, 1990 request for a Tax Commission ruling on whether certain purchases of machinery and equipment qualify for sales tax exemption under §59-12-104(16).


Although your inquiry was framed as a request for a declaratory judgement, Tax Commission policy is to initially treat all such inquiries as requests for advisory opinions. As such, it was referred to the Tax Commission's Auditing Division for their analysis and recommendations. The division recommendation is as follows:


1. XXXXX's manufacturing facility in XXXXX, Utah has undergone an expansion and does qualify for sales or use tax exemption on qualifying machinery purchases and leases.


2. The projects listed below are eligible for tax exemption:


a. Project 03170 - Calini Bag Maker.

b. Project 46155 - CPP Line Enhancement.

c. Project 46163 - Cracker Line Increase.

d. Project 46174 - Biscuit Line.

e. Project 46177 - Bar Coding Continuation.

f. Project 46179 - Short Goods Line.

g. Project 46183 - Third Cookie Line.

h. Project 46187 - CPP Checkweighers.

i. Project 46190 - Retail and Food Service Danish.

j. Project 46196 - Danish Line Upgrade.

k. Project 46200 - Biscuit Line Checkweighers.

l. Project 46201 - Vac-U-Hoist System.


3. Project 46169 - IBM System 38 Upgrade and Project 46172 - Mainframe Computer UPS System do not qualify for exemption because they are not manufacturing or production equipment. In order for computer hardware for software to qualify as manufacturing equipment, it must be an internal part of the actual production process. As an example, a computer used to operate a production machine would qualify as manufacturing equipment.


Based on the facts presented in your letter, we are in agreement with the Auditing Division's recommendations. Obviously, if there are deviations from these facts, this opinion may be negated.


If you do not agree with this determination, you may appeal to the Tax Commission for a formal hearing. The results of that hearing would constitute a declaratory judgement and be appealable to the Utah State Supreme Court. A notice of appeal rights is attached.


For the Commission,


Joe B. Pacheco



May 9, 1990


Utah State Tax Commission

Attention: XXXXX

160 East Third South

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


Dear Commission:


This letter serves as a request for declaratory judgement as to certain items of manufacturing equipment installed in the XXXXX plant operation in XXXXX, Utah. XXXXX is a subsidiary of XXXXX.


It is our position that these items qualify for Utah sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing machinery and equipment in new or expanded operations pursuant to USA Section 59-12-104(16) and Rule R865-85S.


The attached information provides an explanation of our position, including detailed descriptions of each capital project and how the new installations serve to expand the operations of the XXXXX plant. Additional questions with respect to these installations can be answered by XXXXX, Plant Engineer at XXXXX.


If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at XXXXX.


Very truly yours,



Vice President - Taxes



Basis of Exemption


Utah Code Annotated (UCA) Section 59-12-104(16) provides that "machinery and equipment purchased or leased by a manufacturer for use in new or expanded operations (excluding normal operating replacements, which includes replacement machinery and equipment even though they may increase plant production or capacity, as determined by the commission) in any manufacturing facility in Utah."


Utah Administrative Code Rule (Rule) R865-85S expands by defining "machinery" to include machines used in the manufacturing process including final processing, finishing or packaging, and to include automated material handling and storage machinery when part of the integrated continuous production cycle. "Equipment" is defined to include "devices necessary to the control or operation of machinery and equipment qualifying under this rule even though not located in the specific manufacturing area ." "New or expanded operations" means activities which: a) are substantially different in nature, character, or purpose from prior activities; b) are begun in a new physical plant location in Utah; or c) increase production or capacity (subject to the normal operating replacement limitations). "Normal operating replacements" means machinery or equipment which replaces existing machinery or equipment of a similar nature, even if the use results in increased plant production or capacity (emphasis added).


Our interpretation of these provisions can be summarized as follows: 1) That if an installation replaced similar equipment that performed the same or similar function, then the installation was taxable. 2) That if a new function was performed by new equipment such that no "replacement" occurred (such as automating previously manual tasks) and there was increased production or capacity, then the installation was exempt.


We are also including as exempt; pursuant to the definition of "equipment" in Rule R865-85S, computer equipment used predominately to control new exempt installations.


Project Descriptions


The following are project descriptions obtained from the Project Authorizations for projects identified as exempt under the manufacturing exemption, followed by the rationale for the exemption.


Project 03170 - Calini Bag Maker Installation: Purchase and installation of support equipment for the Calini Bag Maker that makes bags for the XXXXX ( a prior exempt installation of a new production line.


This project provides support equipment for the exempt new production line, and should also therefore be exempt.


Project 46155 - CPP Line Enhancement: Purchase and installation of equipment to increase line efficiencies, reduce labor, improve yields and meet quality requirements.


Installation of a Moline makeup section will perform tray denesting to eliminate manual placement of trays between the Rheon discharge and proofer infeed. Current depanner is not designed to handle CPP trays, causing excessive pan damage. New meat slicer has the capability to apply all garnishes required for product, eliminating manual application. Mushroom depositor will perform a function now done entirely by hand. New cheese shredder can apply two kinds of cheese, eliminating the manual application of one type.


This project primarily relates to new types of equipment or equipment performing new functions that increase production and capacity, and should be exempt.


Project 46163 - Cracker Line Increase: Purchase new rotary cutter assembly, extend oven infeed and discharge ends, and install a new computerized scaling system with conveyors to increase production rates on the XXXXX.


The cracker oven was extended a total of thirty feet and a band preheater added to improve bake time and increase production. Per XXXXX, new conveyors were installed to provide diversionary storage that allows the production line to avoid total shutdowns, generating a production increase. Finally, the new scale system has workable weight controls that were lacking from the prior scale, reducing product loss, and also provides an interface with the new conveyor systems.


This project, therefore, primarily relates to new installations and new functions, all of which serve to increase production, and should be exempt.


Project 46169 - IBM System 38 Upgrade: Upgrade the System 38 computer to a model 400 (lease was elected over a purchase).


The System 38 does not allow for additional on-line, real-time information needed for bar coding project (see below), automatic warehousing, floor terminals, and future data processing requirements. Upgrade will allow reliable data to be accessed on a more timely basis for improved inventory control, reduced production cost, and better quality control of product shipped.


The computer upgrade relates primarily to performing new computer-controlled manufacturing functions, and the project should be exempt.


Project 46172 - Mainframe Computer UPS System: Purchase and installation of a mainframe UPS (uninterrupted power supply) system.


With no UPS system currently in existence, all computer-supported plant operations, including CAM, are adversely affected by power fluctuations and resultant system shutdown. Data will be saved and some hardware will receive greater protection, resulting in increased production.


Since computer-controlled production operations are favorably affected by this improvement, the project should be exempt.


Project 46174 - Biscuit Line 1 Additional Depositor: Purchase and installation of a combination cookie depositor and hi-speed wire cut machine. The new depositor will be located downstream from the existing depositor and dedicated to producing XXXXX.


The current cookie depositor on Line 1 deposits all varieties of cookies produced on the line, which is predominately the XXXXX. Under "Project Freshness" guideline, this depositor must be changed over frequently to produce the various cookie types. The new depositor will be dedicated to XXXXX only, and will operate while the other depositor is undergoing changeover. This will reduce line downtime, increasing plant capacity and production.


Since the new depositor increases plant capacity and production, and is not a replacement of an existing machine, this project should be exempt.


Project 46177 - Bar Coding Continuation: Purchase install bar coding equipment. Bar coding will provide significant improvements to inventory control, product freshness and distribution management.


Under this project, new bar coding equipment is added to current production lines. Additional conveyors and support equipment must also be installed. Bar coding of the product will lower inventory levels, improve product freshness, provide quicker response to orders, improve internal control and allow better planning.


Since the definition of "machinery" under Rule R865-85S includes product packaging and automated material handling equipment when part of the integrated continuous production cycle, and the bar coding project serves to increase plant capacity and production, this project should be exempt.


Project 46179 - Short Goods Line Improvements For Increased Reliability and System Optimization: Purchase and install dies washer thereby reducing possibility of damaging the dies during manual cleaning process and allowing compliance with industry practice guidelines. Purchase and install steam and hot water injection system to provide final dryer climate conditions for pasta. Install a pneumatically actuated pasta bag stacking system.


Various improvements are provided under this project to the short goods line installed under a prior project. The majority of the project is for new machinery and equipment performing new functions designed to improve reliability and production operations.


Since new functions are being performed and no equipment is being replaced, and plant production will be increased, this project should be exempt.


Project 46183 - Third XXXXX Line: Provide funds to cover the cost of equipment, material and labor to install a cookie line and packaging equipment to produce XXXXX and XXXXX. Also provides funds to add chocolate enrobing equipment to existing XXXXX line # 2, to permit manufacture of fully enrobed XXXXX.


This project provides for the installation of new equipment necessary to make and package new products, and clearly falls within the manufacturing exemption guidelines.


Project 46187 - CPP Checkweighers: Purchase and installation of new hi-speed checkweighers with SPC capability on the CPP line.


It is impractical to upgrade the current checkweighers to provide SPC capability. The new checkweighers will provide SQC/SPC capability to the CPP line, improving yields due to more accurate weighing and control capabilities added by the SPC feature.


The new checkweighers are not "normal operating replacements" because they perform new functions beyond the capability of the previous equipment, and the project should therefore be exempt.


Project 46190 - Retail and Food Service Danish: Purchase and installation of equipment to enable the plant to manufacture both retail and food service danish.


This project provides for the installation of equipment necessary to manufacture new products, and clearly falls within the manufacturing exemption guidelines.


Project 46196 - Danish Line Upgrade: Purchase and installation of equipment to increase danish production line speeds and to automate depanning operation.


New mechanical equipment is being added to the new danish line (see Project 46190) to increase production capability, and this project should therefore be exempt.


Project 46200 - Biscuit Line Checkweighers: Purchase and installation of two hi-speed checkweighers with SPC capability on biscuit line #1.


The current checkweighers do not have the capability to provide real-time data necessary for SPC/SQC analysis. The new checkweighers will provide SQC/SPC capability to the line, improving yields due to more accurate weighing and control capabilities added by the SPC feature.


The new checkweighers are not "normal operating replacements" because they perform new functions beyond the capability of the previous equipment, and the project should therefore be exempt.


Project 46201 - Vac-U-Hoist Systems: Installation of a vac-u-hoist system to eliminate the manual lifting of ingredient bags by operators of the XXXXX and XXXXX mixers.


The installation of the systems will allow the operator to batch with less spillage, physical exertion and time, resulting in a more efficient operation. The project should therefore be exempt.


Detailed transactions by project to which the manufacturing exemption provisions apply are scheduled in Section III.