
Response 8/15/01







Utah State Tax Commission

1950 W. 210 N.

Salt Lake City, UT 84134


RE: Inquiry about exemption from state sales tax


Dear NAME,


Thank you for the letter to the NAME dated DATE (the letter from Auditing Division follows below). In that letter you stated that sales tax is not due on items purchased as our EVENT under the following circumstances:


“…..the COMPANY did not use an auctioneer or auction company, and paid the vehicle dealer the agreed sales price for the auctioned vehicles….”


I have one additional question. Is the exemption from sales tax still applicable if a professional auctioneer is used, but that professional auctioneer is not charging the COMPANY for this event? In other words, the professional auctioneer is donating his/her services.


We are planning the YEAR EVENT and need this information at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering this question and for your assistance in the past.






DATE Letter from Auditing Division






RE: Sales Tax Exemption for COMPANY

Dear NAME,


This letter is in response to a telephone request regarding the taxability of vehicles auctioned at a recently held fundraising event. We understand that COMPANY is a 501(c)(3) entity and is therefore exempt from sales and use tax on both its purchase and sale transactions. The following is our understanding of the fundraiser.


A dealer placed three motor vehicles with the COMPANY on consignment. The vehicles were sold through an auction at the COMPANY annual fundraiser. The COMPANY did not use an auctioneer or auction company, and paid the vehicle dealer the agreed sales price for the auctioned vehicles. The amount paid to the dealer was not the same amount as the amount received from the winning bids.


You asked if the sales tax was due on the vehicles and if so, on what amount: the amount the COMPANY paid to the dealer or the proceeds received from the auction. Based upon the facts you presented, sales tax is not due when the individual buyers register the vehicles. The COMPANY should prepare, on its official letterhead, a bill of sale for each of the vehicle buyers. This bill of sale will enable the buyer to register the vehicle without paying sales tax.


In your telephone conversation, you also indicated the COMPANY intends to hold a similar type of fundraising auction annually, and would like an advisory opinion from the Tax Commission concerning sales taxability under varying scenarios. We are forwarding to the Commissioners, attention TAXPAYER REPRESENTATIVE.














RE: Advisory Opinion – Auctioneers and Sales Tax Exemptions




In a letter of DATE, Auditing Division informed you that a Section 501(c)(3) entity such as the COMPANY is exempt from both collecting sales tax on its sales and paying sales tax on its purchases. Utah Code Ann. §59-12-104(8). The issue now before us is whether sales tax must be collected on a sale conducted by an auctioneer who donates his or her services to the COMPANY.


When an auctioneer is deemed to be the retailer of the item he or she auctions, sales tax must be collected on the sale, even if the owner of the property is itself an entity exempt from collecting or paying sales tax. Utah Admin. Rule R865-19S-45(A) provides that an auctioneer is acting as a retailer under the following circumstances:


Every auctioneer, consignee, bailee, factor, etc., entrusted with possession of any bill of lading, custom house permits, warehousemen's receipts, or other documents of title for delivery of any tangible personal property, or entrusted with possession of any of such personal property for the purpose of sale, is deemed to be the retailer thereof, and is required to collect sales tax, file a return, and remit the tax.


Accordingly, an auctioneer is acting as the retailer and must collect sales tax if the auctioneer receives possession of either: 1) a document of title or other indicia of ownership for purposes of delivering the item; or 2) the tangible personal property for purposes of the sale.


On the other hand, if the COMPANY uses the auctioneer only as a “salesperson” and the auctioneer receives neither possession of the item nor any document related to its delivery and transfer of ownership, then the COMPANY will be considered the retailer and its exemption from collecting sales tax on the auctioned item remains intact. The COMPANY would retain physical possession of the item that is auctioned and handle all the paperwork involved with the sale. Under these circumstances, the auctioneer acts as a salesperson only, not as a retailer as discussed above, regardless of whether the COMPANY pays the auctioneer for his or her services. Again, under these circumstances, the transaction would be exempt from sales tax.


Hopefully, this information will help the COMPANY effectively plan its future fundraisers. If you have any other questions, please contact us.


For the Commission,




Marc B. Johnson



